Chapter 36 It's Always You Two

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Whoever came up with the rule that guys weren't allowed to wear was obviously thinking with their vagina.

I was comfortable walking around with my shirt off but everyone walking around with their clothes off sounds like a bad porno waiting to happen. Especially when my little brother was going, and his boyfriend.

"You're gonna love Niall he's adorable and sweet and..." Harry began with a certain glint in his eyes. I remember that glint, I used to have it when me and Luke started first dating.

"Ruined one of my bed sheets when he nailed my brother to it" I finished with a smirk. Harry's jaw dropped to the floor at my comment. It was true, my favourite bed spread. It had palm trees all over it. I couldn't look at that bed the same anymore. It had demons surrounding it. The nightmares. Oh the nightmares.

"It was my idea to screw on your bed. Plus I did all the work he just laid there. So when's Luke picking us up?" Harry asked innocently. He looked innocent but this child was the spawn of satan, quite literally. I took a quick disgusted glance at my mattress. Great I'm going to have the nightmares again now.

"Probably when he isn't busy pounding someone's face into the mud" I mumbled coyly. Wow I really could be a cold bitch when I wanted to be. Did Luke really think I wanted to have sex with Ryder? Don't get me wrong, he is attractive in a way and he talks to me more than Luke but I love Luke unconditionally. Through thick and thin.

"Oh yeah I heard about that. I heard it was over roids though not over you" Harry laughed gloomily. Luke isn't on steroids or at least he better fucking not be, if he was there would be some sort of religiously strict punishment involved. This was clearly another example of Chinese whispers. One thing morphed into something else over the course of passing many ears.

"Well it wasn't Luke doesn't take steroids and I'm not checking with Ryder to see if he does. Sorry baby bro" I smirked. He hated when I called him baby bro. But shit happens and I'm a mean person. #Deal

"Sometimes I just wish that we had a relationship like Calum and Annie's. Completely honest"

"We aren't good girls like Annie" Harry replied while he...braided his hair. I wasn't going to ask, I would bring it up when we both needed therapy. That could be around the corner.

I stopped still for a second and glance over at him with raised eyebrows, "We aren't girls at all. Unless you have a vagina you're keeping secret?" I offered in the most casual tone I could muster at that moment.

"You know what I mean. We normal people in theory but freaks when you look close enough. Like a porcupine or something" Harry explained with a confused face that said it all. He was being all metaphorical and worldly but didn't know what he was saying.

"Bish yo jus call me a porcupine?" I said in a very hood tone. My left eyebrow shot up and a judgemental look spread across face. Harry shrugged.

"And you should be more concerned about your own sex in your bed. You haven't even slept in the bed together since before summer and yes I know this because I pick up on things"



My throat burned as I let the sweet substance of vodka pass through my mouth. My worries were slowly starting to slip away from me. Out of my reach. Purposefully so...

"Dude slow down. You're gonna end up on the news for alcohol poisoning or something" Calum stated in concern.

I was glad he was concerned about me. Not in a selfish way only in the way that someone gave enough of a crap is when I'm doing something that could harm me.

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