Chapter 12 Same Love

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The reaction the Lashton kiss got was inspired by @CrazySanity's comments js.

The title of this chapter is after the song by Ryan and Macklemore with Mary Lambert




Last night was amazing. I kissed Ashton and it was amazing.

Lots of thoughts passed through my head at Calum's question. Do I put on a lie and kiss one of the desperate whores? Or do I kiss Ashton like I want to? I glanced around, everyone's eyes were on me except Ashton's. His eyes were closed. Did he think that I was gonna kiss one of these girls? He looked on the brim of tears. I moved over and pressed my lips against Ashton's.

It may sound cliche but that was best kiss of my life and it brought my whole body to life, like everyone and everything else was making me numb. His lips moved in perfect motion to my lips. I didn't even care that everyone around us was gasping.

Once I pulled away Ashton looked completely shocked, yet happy. The girl who was having eye sex with me before looked liked I had slapped her with a fish. Harrison, the douche, looked like he was jealous. Calum look confused with his eyebrows knit together and his jaw dropped. Michael looked like he needed to have another drink. But Ashton looked happy. I was definitely happy.

Then Ashton lent forward and threw up all over my lap. But his face was in my lap on the first date ;). I have mad skills. Not that I wanted to have sex with Ashton. Well I did. Just not tonight.

Everyone else ran inside to get away from the vomiting boy. He passed out on the floor, and I was still covered in vomit. I still didn't care because I had kissed Ashton.

I guided him up to an empty room and locked the door. I set him down on the bed and gave him a bucket from the cupboard. I dashed quickly down to my car and grabbed a pair of sweats pants and a lose tee. I grabbed my letterman jacket for Ash as well. He might get cold.

I showered in the random person's en suite bathroom, they should feel honoured, and changed. After that I quickly dived onto the bed next to Ash. He was still passed out but managed to roll onto my chest and snuggle into my side.

All in all it was one of the best nights of my life.

I was still awake. I had stayed awake the whole night just watching Ash, not in a creepy way, just in a I didn't want him to choke on his own vomit way.

I checked my Twitter while I waited for him to wake up. Twitter was blowing up with comments and I was tagged in them all.

@CalumHood: Check out these two hotties from last night. @Hemmingway @AshtonXO

A picture of me and Ashton kissing last night was on his account.

Almost all the comments were positive. There were a few homophobic comments but I kind of expected that since I basically came out last night. I was glad I did, but I didn't know if I was gay or bisexual yet. All in all I was kind of glad that we went to an accepting school.

There was a definite good light to this situation. Ashton couldn't call me a manwhore anymore. Well he could but he would be one of my whores. That sounded a lot better in my head.

@Hemmingway: @CalumHood when the hell did you take that picture?

@CalumHood: @Hemmingway when you had your tongue down @AshtonXO #Lashton

I laughed at his comment. I liked the sound of that. Lashton. I looked over at Ashton, he looked so peaceful when he was asleep. I decided to take a shower again while he was still asleep.



I woke up with a warm jacket around me, it smelled like Luke's cologne. I looked and saw Luke's letterman jacket around me. Then the memories from last night came flooding back.

A pair of lips pressed against mine, hot from body heat, cold from his lip ring. His hand found it's way to my cheek and held me there. My mouth moved in perfect motion with his.

I was kissing Luke Hemmings was kissing me.

So did that really happen? I heard the shower running and Luke singing a song I had never heard before, he was good. Not to mention he had the body of a god and a smile that could stop my heart...don't even get me started with the lip ring. I don't know where we are, I think it's Michael's parents room. I kind of felt guilty with all their family pictures looking at me. I sat up slowly and the bed creaked loudly.

"Ash are you awake?" Luke called from the bathroom. Why does he need to shower? We didn't do anything last night, right?

"Yeah" I shouted back.

"How are you feeling?" Luke shouted over the running water.

"Hungover" his chuckle echoed through the room. I wrapped Luke's jacket around me.

"I'm gonna go and find some aspirin" I shouted to Luke. He mumbled an okay before I left the room and trotted over to the bathroom. It was like six in the morning and I didn't want to wake anyone up. The only reason I was up this early was because I wanted to leave before being stuck with cleanup.

I opened the bathroom door and saw Harrison sprawled out on the floor. I laughed and prodded him to wake up. When he did he smiled dreamily at me, it was no where near as hot as Luke's gaze though. "Hey beautiful" he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and stepped over him to get to the medicine cabinet. I felt his hand run up my back and I shivered and flinched away.

"Don't" I snapped. His hand continued to roam my body.

"" I stated while trying to remove his hand from my body.

He roughly pushed me against the wall and clasped a hand over my mouth. "No one says no to me. I'm too sexy" he sneered right in my ear. He turned me around so I face facing the wall and smashed me into it. I hit my head pretty hard and I was feeling dazed as hell. I felt him slide my jeans and boxers down, I tried to scream but his hand was that tight over my mouth it just came out as mumbles. "Hope you like it dry" he breathed in my ear. Screaming was optional after that, he pounded into me without lube and I felt like my whole body was on fire. Muffled screams were merely coming out a weird sounds.

"Hey babe did you find the..." a bright voice enquired. I turned at the sound of the bathroom door opening. Luke just stood there in a towel with a pained expression on his face. "So I turn my back for two minutes and you screw the nearest warm body? What the hell is wrong with you Ash?" Luke screamed before storming off. Did he really just walk away from me being raaped? Did he think that I would screw anyone other than him? I let a few stray tears fall down my face. "Guess no one cares about you then beautiful" Harrison breathed in my ear before he continued.

My pain lasted ten minutes before he finished without wearing a condom, zipped up, threw me to the floor and left.

I curled up, my knees brought to my chest and I just cried. The weird thing was, I cried because Luke walked away, not over what had just happened.

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