Chapter 34 Flawless

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Sexual content in this chapter.



"So when do you want to hook know for tutoring?" Ryder asked me with the devil's smirk. Luke's looked way hotter. He had just side stepped Luke's comment about him being too close and frankly he was.

I've met his type before, hell the love of my life used to be exactly like him. Douche-bag who thinks they can bag any hoe just by flashing the sexy eyes and the pearly whites. Downside though, this guy didn't have a lip ring.

I grabbed Luke's arms and wrapped them around my waist. "In study hall when studying is supposed to happen. Any other time I'm with my friends or boyfriend" I explained with a victorious smile.

"Well if you ever get bored of your friends then give me a call. I'm sure I can be really friendly" Ryder explained with a flirtatious smile. Harry snorted with laughter at his forwardness. I tried not to laugh, it made it a lot easier when a low growl could be heard from Luke. I'd never really seen him jealous. Well there was that party with Harrison but I chose to block that from memory.

"I'm sure you probably can but the desperate hoes are over there" Luke commented notching his head over to the cheerleader's table.

"Well they must be desperate...I heard they've all slept with the quarterback. Well former quarterback" he responded. Dayum he thought of that really fast. Even I had whiplash from that comment.

I pulled Luke's arms in a death lock so he would pound this guy in the ground in the middle of the cafeteria. "Well be seeing you Ashton. Curly brown haired boy" Ryder smirked before walking off in confident victory.

It was quiet for a few minutes until Harry spoke up. "He may be a dick but he was fucking gorgeous" Harry commented. I'll admit he was hot, well not out loud because Luke was still trying to pull me onto his lap to claim his territory I guess.

Even if by some freak accident me and Luke broke up I still wouldn't go out with him. I had already been through the process of taming a jock, wasn't gonna do it again.

"I hate senior year" Luke grumbled. I gave him a sympathetic smile before a quick peck on the lips.

Finally everyone came and sat over next to us. Calum and Annie holding hands and Michael and Kiera standing to close for it to be accidental. This made my eyebrows raise in an 'hmm what da hell hapnin' Ashton Irwin way.

"So what did we miss" Calum giggled. Never have I wanted to punch him so badly.

I rolled my eyes and leant down to pick up my bag. What I saw was the scariest thing I could have ever witnessed. Michael and Kiera holding hands.

"Michael a word?" I enquired with an innocent smile. Anything about this situation was innocent. He was about to see what a bitchy situation was like.


I walked away from the table think and forming my sentences about saying why this is a bad bad bad idea.

Michael followed me probably thinking I was going to have a nice conversation. Straight away he had broken one of Calum's rules about secret keeping. That wasn't gonna fly.

"What's up buddy?" Michael asked with a very hopeful smile. Oh how was I gonna phrase this delicately so he wouldn't get really hurt...?

"When my boo and my bitch start fucking and don't tell everyone we have a problem" I said in the nicest possible ways. There were so many things that could go wrong with this pairing. They were on totally different social scales. Kiera wasn't always a one man type of person, Michael could get heartbroken. And if they break up then the group would have to take sides. Suddenly this sounds like mine and Luke's relationship. He was more social, Luke used to be a man whore and I'd like to think everyone would take my side if me and Luke broke up. But they probably wouldn't.

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