Chapter 29 Plans pt.2

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My eyes flickered across the page for the thirty seconds time, yup I was counting how many times I had read the letter. How many times my eyes had traced the curves and contours of my father's handwriting. Wow that was mind blowing to even comprehend. I had a dad. I had grown accustom to considering I was a miracle baby.

My eyes stung from salty tears, I had grown accustom to that as well, like I couldn't live without the feeling anymore. They trickled down my face.

I knew that man looked familiar. I knew it. I knew it when he stared at me that something was wrong. I knew it.

Why did he contact me now? Why did he wait so long? I'm not sure if I want to know this man, he's where every idiosyncrasy I've ever had has come from, where every issue I've ever had stemmed from.

"Ash?" Luke muttered uncertainly. I could hear the tremble in his voice, like I was glass that could shatter at any moment. I could see his hand reach out to touch my shoulder. I shrugged away from his touch. Why did he have this letter?

"Why the fuck do you have this letter?" I asked angrily. He looked the ground and started chewing on his lips ring, the way he does when he knows he's done something wrong.

"It was with your college letter" he muttered. Why did he take my college letter? I asked him to check my mail not steal it.

"Okay let's look past that you stole my college letter until later...why the fuck did you open it?" I snapped angrily. I couldn't calm myself down, I was that angry right now.

This wasn't the first time he had violated my privacy and I was sick of him doing it.

"I don't know" he grumbled.

"You don't know? You don't fucking know? How about because you're an insecure asshole who can't handle the fact that I have a life separate from you" I snapped loudly while throwing the letter at him.

He didn't look up, his gaze still on the ground. I think that last part had really struck a nerve or something. I got up and marched towards the door.

I knew where I had to go, who I had to confront about all of this. The person it all began with. Mr Styles. My dad.

I was angry. Everything was going good again and then shit happened once again. Luke once again proved that he's the douche bag I originally thought he was, life proves to be a hellish prison for me once again.


I knew where I was walking to...Greendale Town Inn, room 233. It wasn't the most glamorous place to be in Greendale but then again I was in Greendale.

The door was wooden with peeling paint. The sign of cheap accommodations. Either he didn't have a whole load of money, or he didn't want to be found by someone, or both.

I knocked uncertainly.



The door swung open and I was surprised to see him surprised to see me.

"Ashton?" he muttered in shock. I took no time in barging past him and into the crappy room. It wasn't the best of places to stay in, in fact stopping in Greendale was a no no in general.

"What is it that you want? And how do you know where I live?" I stated straight to the point.

I wasn't planning on staying here longer than I had to be. I was here to find out what he wants and that was it.

"I want to get to know my son, that's all" he stated, like it was the easiest thing in the world to do. Walk away for seventeen years and then turn up out of the blue.

"That's all. Fuck right off. You're not and never will be a part of my life. You made that choice not me" I shouted loudly. He can't just come back into my life like it was nothing, like it was just something he could play around with. That's not fair.

"I did make that choice and now I want to take it back" he stated.

"That isn't your decision" I angrily snarled at him.

He stopped and laughed weakly before he took a seat on the edge of his bed. Did I say something funny? I don't think I did, Luke has told me on many occasions that my jokes aren't funny.

"So you don't want to know about your family? About your lineage? About your half-brother?" he sneered. Was he taunting me to find out about my own blood?

My head snapped in his direction. Did he say half-brother? I had a sibling? Someone like me.

"His name's Harry. He's just turned sixteen, born a year after you" he explained with a fatherly proud smile. It felt empty that he was looking at me like that. He may have been my biological parent but I already have a dad and a mom, though I'm not related to them I love them unconditionally.

"So why did you keep him? Does he shit gold or something?" I enquired while nonchalantly glancing around at his belongings.

"Ashton I'm 31. When me and your mom had sex I was fourteen. It was my first time and we weren't careful. I wasn't ready to be a dad at fourteen" he explained. My mom was eighteen/nineteen when she had me. That was a big age leap. It's just what you want to hear, that you were a drunken oops as a result of an illegal underage sex session. Life.

"That would have made you fifteen when you had Harry" I pointed out.

"I graduated high school when I was fourteen and left college at fifteen. Not to sound big headed but our genes are that of a genius. The only reason that I was a judge on that panel was that one of my old teachers remembered me and asked me to judge" he explained with sympathetic eyes. I didn't want his sympathy.

Descended from a line of geniuses okay that was something I didn't know. That was something I had never heard before. Finding out that I was probably born in Greendale before being shipped off was new. Finding out that I was probably still in the hospital when my boyfriend was born was new. He knew more about my life than I did and that scared me just a little.

"What made you come back to Greendale?" I asked quietly.

"I owe some people a lot of money and they never knew that I lived in this small town so I thought I would come back and live here for a little while. Harry home schools so we can move around a lot and I work from home so I can work from anywhere really" he explained, topping it off with a nervous little laugh.

"You owe people money?" I repeated. Was he a junkie or something or a gambler? I would like a heads up, we share genes you know.

"A lot of money. Listen Ashton it's getting late. Why don't you come by tomorrow? Harry gets here tomorrow afternoon" he explained.

He had totally changed my mood in the space of twenty minutes. I had gone from hating life to considering meeting my half-brother.

"Ash. We can be a family I know it" he stated with a smile. I cracked a small smile at his comment.

We would never be a proper family, I already had one of those...but I guess it's nice to know that your biological family is around close to home.

Life was good again, was the last thought I had before opening the door.


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