Chapter 24 Intervention

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So I had a choice. Stay home and be a little bitch about Harrison starting school today? Or I could walk into that school and show him that I didn't care anymore? I wasn't scared anymore, so I guess I'm taking the high road.

I charged into school late and headed straight for Sociology, not wanting to stop for anyone. People were jumping out of my way, I was storming down the hallways that fast I might've actually knocked someone down.

"Hey Irwin wait up?" Kiera shouted down the hallway at me, great this was just what I needed. I was right outside my classroom as well. She pranced over to me in her cheer uniform. No no no I'm not doing this again.

"What do you want?" I grumbled. It took all of my strength not to swear under my breath. I she asked me to fill in for someone again then I swear I'd slap someone. I was in one of those moods this morning. Tense and high strung.

"I know that you think that everyone is like your worst enemy right now but we have a meeting later of the Greendale Gatherers and you haven't attended the last few meetings" Kiera sighed. Did she forget that I no longer had a boyfriend who was in charge of the football team?

"You do know that I broke up with Hemmings right?" I asked with my new bitchy tone. It had grown innate to use this voice at the moment.

"Oh yeah the whole school is still rattled. But facts are facts, you did more in your four months then I did in my two years as social chairs" Kiera explained nonchalantly. Wow I actually think that there was a compliment in there somewhere.

"Well then I guess I'll see you later then" I said unclearly. I probably wouldn't actually go but I was late to class and she liked to talk a lot. She waved goodbye and skipped off down the hallway. I on the other hand turned into the classroom and got shit for being late.



Things had been kind of boring lately without Ashton around to annoy/entertain us. There was always some drama with Luke that he had to solve to keep us busy. But now we had been forced into helping set up for the dance finals on Monday, yes we actually had this much free time on our hands.

Who wants to be around Ashton right now though? He had become such a freak lately and no one knew why. A couple of weeks ago we were all happy and laughing our heads off. Then the party happened and Ashton went skittles on Luke and the rest of us.

"Mr Hood pay attention and place those chairs out properly" Principal Weir snapped. I shook my head and placed every chair precisely ten centimetres apart just to piss him off.

"Why do we get subjected to manual labour? This must be against some laws?" Michael groaned.

"Mikey we're setting out chairs, we have been for about an hour. Maybe if you got off your couch once in a while?" I chuckled. We had been hanging out way too much lately. He had taken over the time I allotted to hanging out with Ashton as well as his own time. When two people hang out too much they start to clash because they get too used to each other.

"Careful you're starting to sound like Ashton" Michael joked. Oh hell nah, he did not just say that. At the moment that was the worst insult going. We didn't really hate Ashton we just didn't want to be around him at the moment. He was evil and poisonous with the way he was acting lately.

"Shut the fuck up" I laughed back at him.

"Damn. It's Ashton's birthday tomorrow. We had a whole thing planned with his parents" Michael announced suddenly. The last thing I wanted to do right now was have a party. Ashton wasn't exactly the most fun person to be around right now, I doubt he'd be up for a friend/family meal right now. If anything he needed a fucking intervention.

Mine (Lashton)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ