Chapter 30 Two Months On

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I didn't have a care in the world right now, apart from getting tan lines from my board shorts.

My back sweltered against the hot sand that gently scraped my back when I moved. It got all up in my hair as well, downside of having thick hair.

"So where's your boyfriend at?" Harrison asked bluntly. I groaned and took my sunglasses off slowly.

"Not here" I replied with an eye roll. I placed my sunglasses in there former position and returned to soaking up the sun rays. The sound of the ocean splashing against the beach was gently soothing me to sleep.

As if it wasn't obvious that Luke Hemmings wasn't here, he hadn't been for two months so why would he be around now? The last time I saw Luke Hemmings was that night. The night he opened the letter from my dad and I stormed out.

"Where's this years guy?" Harrison asked vaguely.

Who knows what the fuck he was on about. He had been talking cryptic shit for almost two months. He was my attacker and all around bad dream but I was drawn to him and I couldn't get away. It was like magnetic.

"Who's this years guy?" I laughed. This years guy? That meant absolutely nothing to me.

"Mr invisible that counted down from 5843" he replied. Okay now I'm positive that he was just talking gibberish. Mr Invisible? Was that a superhero or a Mr Men book or something? And 5843 was way to specific to be just a random number.

"I'm so sorry" he glumly added. Sorry for what? He knew I would never forgive him for the raape or the car accident. Let alone trying to kill me a second time and my boyfriend along with me.

I took my sunglasses off again and rested on my elbows. I was almost sick with what I saw. A kitchen knife stuck in my abdomen. I didn't feel the knife go in or being stabbed at all. That was weird huh?

Blood trickling down my bare chest, it tickled but I didn't feel anything else.

What the hell was going on?



Day 56 and still no change. School started up again next week and Ashton still hadn't woken up.

He just laid there day after day, hooked up to machines that are supposably helping him out. I hadn't seen a change since he got here though.

"Still no change?" a familiar enough voice asked, you don't get that many people with London accents around Australia so you know who someone is straight away.

I glanced around to see Harry walking in with a new bouquet of flowers for the vase on the bed side table. He had been really helpful these last few months with everything.

"Nothing mate" I replied glumly before setting my head back on Ashton's chest.

"I though with medically induced comas that they could bring the patient out whenever they want to?" Harry asked.

I scoffed a little. I'll admit I did think that for a long time as well. Two months in a hospital though and you learn things that maybe you didn't want to know.

"They said only Ash can choose when to wake up" I mumbled stroking the hair off his face, and back again. It was very therapeutic.

"Maybe he's having too much fun in there. For all we know he could be just laying around on a beach somewhere having the time of his life" Harry suggested.

I would like to think that if Ashton could wake up that he would. I'd like to think that he isn't staying in his own thoughts because the alternative is worse than anything any of us could comprehend.

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