Chapter 26 Hostage

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Ashton had been a while at the corner shop and I was starting to get worried.

"Cal is Ashton at school?" I asked Calum frantically over the phone. Did this make me sound desperate or something? No. I was jus worried about the boy I'm in love with. Didn't think I'd be saying that a year ago.

"Why do you care? You tore him a new one last night" Calum stated groggily. Well I did, but not in the way he was thinking.

"Because we..made up last night and now he isn't here" I explained. The worry was obvious in my voice. I didn't even realise that I was pacing around Ashton's room biting my nails nervously.

The memory of last night made me react all over again. The picture of Ash panting wildly while sweat poured down his body. That face he had when he finished. It wasn't something that I was going to forget easily. It wasn't something I wanted to forget. I wanted a forever of seeing Ash like that. Not just you know pleasured but happy as well.

"What do you mean made up? Like you're friends again or back together? What?" Calum yawned. He sounded really tired for some reason. I wasn't going to tell him that me and Ashton made love last night, yes I say made love, I'm a hopeless romantic sometimes. That was between me and Ashton. I had learned the hard way to keep our stuff secret.

"Like we got back together I think?" I explained. I could hear nervousness and excitement in my voice. I had never been this nervous before, but now it was like every nerve in my body was on fire over Ashton. Every question I wanted to ask him was a new way of torture for me, until I can have them answered anyway.

"You think. Did he say you were together or not?" Calum snapped grumpily. Dude take a chill pill. We actually didn't talk that much, mainly moaned and groaned. I'll take that as a victory though. I don't think it was the time to ask him to define the relationship, but that was one of the questions that I needed to ask him.

"We didn't actually talk that much" that sounded lame. Was I Ashton's dirty little secret now? He said he love me and seemed happy enough before he left. But then he didn't come back.

"Oh my God you had sex didn't you? Luke you man whore, you had sex with someone you aren't in a relationship with..." He shrieked. I'm gonna wait until he realised what he just said, while I rolled my eyes.

"Never mind, what else is new? He isn't at school though" Calum explained. If he wasn't at school then where the hell was he? If I was worried before I'm freaking out now.



It was funny in a way. Every time something good happened in my life something bad had to strip it away. If we were in a sitcom right now, the audience would be laughing at me. But we weren't. In fact I didn't know where the hell I was.

All I could see were the little glimpses of light through the material wrapped around my head. Sheltering my eyes from my location. My wrists burnt from the friction of the rope binding me to the chair. The smell of rotting wood ensnared my nostrils.

It was still daylight. I could tell that much. I could feel and hear floorboards beneath me, creaking was a dead giveaway.

"Are you awake yet beautiful?" a hollow voice asked. How could I have not guessed? It all added up. I was having a good time and Harrison was out of jail.

"Why don't you let me out of this chair and I'll show you how awake I am" I stated confidently. My self defence tutor taught me to be strong and confident in the face of danger. Plus I really wanted to kick his ass. I really could kick his ass.

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