Chapter 6

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"Every weakness contains within itself a strength." ― Shusaku Endo


Christina picked herself up from the floor. She had managed to lead the man away from Katherine and Dani, which was her main goal, but she'd underestimated just how unstable the powers had made him. He was standing in front of her and he looked really frightened.

'Hey.' Christina said, wiping some blood from one of her arms. 'What's your name?' His eyes were glowing yellow and he was breathing heavily. He looked about twenty years old. He was tall, and lean. Christina could see that he was fighting something internally. 'I know you don't want to hurt us.' She said.

'I can't stop.' He said. His voice was deeper than Christina had expected.

'I know, and it's not your fault.' She assured him. 'Tell me what your name is.'

'Jonathan.' He said. Christina saw his shoulder twitch as a wave of energy rocked though him. It shot out of his body and Christina was only just able to get her shield up in time. It crashed into her and sent her back into the wall. She hit it with a thump. She grimaced but got to her feet quickly, no matter how much her body protested. 'I'm sorry.' Jonathan said. He took a step back as if he only just realised what he was doing.

'It's okay, I'm okay.' Christina assured him. She took a few steps closer. 'Jonathan, we can help you but you have to let us.'

'It's not me.' He said. 'There's something in me.' He looked down to his arms. So far they had only seen the yellow energy power. Christina could only hope that he hadn't unlocked the second power. Yellow sparks of energy bounced around his hands. Christina was only a few feet away but he wasn't really paying attention. He looked up when he saw her. 'Stay away.' He put his hands out to stop her. Christina flinched but she didn't move back, instead, she let blue sparks jump around her own palm. He watched them for a moment before looking up to her.

'I can help you.' She repeated, smiling slightly. He started to smile back at her but suddenly something built inside of him and he looked to the sky. A mist shot out of his body and he teleported away. The mist sent Christina crashing back into the same wall she'd hit before, only this time her head hit the bricks and she fell to the ground.


Amy, Lisa and Lauren rounded the corner with Aunt Steph right behind them. She was breathing heavily. 'Girls, I'm old.' She panted.

'Keep up or go home!' Lauren shouted as they scanned the area.

'Aimes, where are they?' Lisa said, panicked. Amy scanned the road and focused in on a side street. She moved to it quickly, the others following, and saw Katherine and Dani taking cover out of sight.

'Dani, Kath!' Amy said, running to their side. Lisa and Lauren stood behind her and Aunt Stephanie watched on. Dani was really pale from blood loss and almost unconscious. Katherine was doing her best to stem the bleeding.

'Amy thank God.' Katherine sighed. 'Heal her, please.' Amy took the blood soaked jacket from Dani and looked at the damage. After a moment, her glowing hand healed the wound. Dani regained consciousness and blinked up at them.

'Am I dead?' She asked as Lauren pulled her up.

'No, you're not dead.' Lauren assured her. Amy moved over to Katherine.

'What hurts?' Amy asked.

'Ribs.' Katherine said a little breathlessly.

'What happened?' Lisa asked as they watched Amy work.

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