Chapter 18

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"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."—Christopher Robin


Amy pushed some debris out of her path as she walked through the house. Dani was trailing behind her. 'I'm so sick of things exploding.' Amy mumbled as she pulled Lauren up. 'You okay?'

'Yeah.' Lauren said, trying to shake the ringing out of her ears. 'You?'

'Fine.' Amy confirmed.

'What the hell happened?' Katherine said. She was sitting up surrounded by their destroyed dining room with Lisa still passed out by her side.

'Lauren blew us up.' Dani said.

'Hey! I didn't mean to.' Lauren defended.

'I'm kidding Laur, you're fine.' Dani said.

'Little help over here Aimes.' Katherine said. She was bleeding as she rolled Lisa over onto her back.

'Yeah.' Amy said, coming over to their sides. She lent over Lisa and let her warm energy wash over her. Meanwhile Lauren and Dani were looking over the damage.

'We need a new kitchen.' Lauren said.

'I think we just need to move.' Dani argued.

'We don't need to move.' Katherine said from the floor.

'Okay, but we can't live in a house with a massive hole in it.' Dani pointed out.

'No, we can't.' Katherine agreed. They heard a voice from the doorway a moment later.

'I pass out for a few hours and you destroy the house?' Christina said from her position against what was left of the kitchen doorframe.

'Chris.' Lauren said, moving over to her.

'What happened?' Christina asked, letting Lauren lead her into the room.

'We got out of Perdition.' Lisa said as she sat up.

'I can see that.' Christina said.

'It's a long story Chris.' Katherine said as Amy finished healing her and pulled her up. 'All you need to know is that we pissed Bathin off and Lauren has a new power.'

'Don't forget about me.' Jonathan said as he came in from the other room.

'Where did you go?' Dani asked.

'I ran.' He said. 'Not very brave of me, I know.'

'It was the right decision.' Amy assured him.

'I think you should go home Jonathan.' Katherine said. 'The powers are gone, you have no reason to hang around. He took a sideways glance at Lauren before nodding to Katherine.

'Thank you, for everything.' He said sincerely.

'You're welcome.' Amy smiled at him as he left.

'So Laur, what's the new power?' Christina asked.

'Oh, it's the yellow energy, like yours.' Lauren said, trying to hide her excitement.

'Congratulations.' Christina smiled and knocked her on the shoulder.

'What if it was always supposed to happen like this?' Dani asked.

'Our house was supposed to blow up?' Lisa queried.

'No, I mean what if that power was always supposed to be Lauren's, and Jonathan was like the delivery man.' Dani said.

'That makes sense.' Katherine said. 'In a weird way.'

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