Chapter 17

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"Everything has a price. It's just what you're willing to pay for it." - Anne Bishop


Lisa and Jonathan came through the portal, Christina still in Jonathan's arms. As they landed on the grass Lisa yelled; 'Close it now!' Bathin did so but one of the ghosts, the old woman, managed to come out after them. 'Potion!' Lisa yelled. Amy saw the woman and acted, throwing an exploding potion. It hit her in the face but didn't destroy her. Lauren and Dani followed up with potions of their own and together they were able to vanquish her. There was a moment of silence afterwards. Lisa sat down on the grass heavily, exhausted, as Jonathan put Christina down next to her. The others all came over, Bathin lingering in the background.

'Are you guys okay?' Lauren asked. Amy knelt down and looked them over.

'Yeah, I think so.' Lisa smiled as Amy healed her head.

'What happened to Chris?' Dani asked.

'Oh, we tried to open a portal from the other side. She blew herself out.' Lisa said. 'Speaking of.....' She looked around and saw destroyed trees and a hole in the ground. 'How did you get it open?'

'That was my doing.' Bathin said, coming into view. Lisa stood quickly in front of everyone protectively.

'What the hell?' She said, before turning to her sisters.

'Look, we didn't have a choice. It was mums idea.' Amy said as she watched the wound on Christina's head close.

'I've always liked Michelle.' Bathin smiled. 'Now, our deal.'

'Not yet.' Katherine said. Bathin's expression darkened.

'You better not be double crossing me witch.' He hissed.

'I'm not.' Katherine said firmly. 'We need to make sure they're okay first.'

'What did you promise him?' Lisa asked.

'The powers from Jonathan when we strip them.' Katherine said.

'You what?!' Lisa almost exploded herself.

'Lise, we didn't have a choice!' Katherine protested. 'What would you rather, that we left you there?'

'There must have been another way.' Lisa said.

'Not one we could think of quickly.' Lauren backed Katherine up.

'Don't forget the other thing.' Bathin said.

'What other thing?' Lisa asked.

'The blue power.' Bathin's eyes lit up.

'No, no way! Katherine!' Lisa turned to her.

'He's not going to take it.' Katherine said. 'He gave his word.'

'He's a demon!' Lisa reminded them.

'Excuse me, I may be a demon but my word is my bond. It's part of my reputation and I intend to keep it that way.' Bathin said. He started taking steps towards Christina but Lauren stepped in front of him.

'No.' Lauren said.

'Move or I'll make you.' Bathin growled.

'No. You can try her power but not right now.' Lauren said, standing her ground.

'I can just take a little bit, and then we can all move on.' Bathin suggested.

'She's unconscious. She doesn't know what's happening. You're not touching her until she tells you it's okay.' Lauren crossed her arms over her chest, Dani moving to form a barrier with her.

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