Chapter 13

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"She had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, like when you're swimming and you want to put your feet down on something solid, but the water's deeper than you think and there's nothing there" ― Julia Gregson


The first thing Lisa noticed was how cold it was. She could feel the icy wind on her face as she was lying on the hard ground. The wind was howling around her. She opened her eyes and saw the sky above her. It was so white she thought it should be snowing. She sat up and felt immediately nauseous. She put a hand to the back of her neck and felt a slimy substance. She looked at her hand and it was covered in blood. She turned to her right and saw the house they were just in. It wasn't destroyed any more. The colours looked drained, everything was faded and depressing.

She noticed someone laying on the ground a few feet away from her, back facing her way. Lisa knew right away it was Christina. 'Chris.' She said but had to take a moment to clear her throat. She said again louder; 'Christina!' There was no response so Lisa pushed herself up and slowly made her way over to her sister. Lisa went round to her front and saw the blood dripping down from a wound somewhere on her head. 'Shit.' Lisa moved some hair from Christina's face and noticed the large gash running down beside her left eye. Lisa checked over the rest of her body but didn't see any other obvious injuries. 'Christina, you need to wake up.' Lisa said gently. She put her hand over Christina's and felt how cold she was. Now that her body was aware of their surroundings, Lisa could feel herself getting colder by the second. Her teeth were chattering and she could see her breath. She put her hand on Christina's shoulder and shook her gently. 'Chris, please, please wake up.' She begged. There was still no response. Lisa sat back and looked around. They were in the same place, but it was different. She saw the house, and the soccer fields, and the roads. But the rest of her sisters were nowhere to be seen. 'We can't stay out here.' Lisa said to herself. They were too vulnerable out in the open. She stood and tried to lift Christina with her. After a struggle, she managed to get both arms under Christina's and she was able to drag her. It was a very slow journey as she made her way towards the house. As she reached the gate she noticed that the padlock was back in place. 'Damn it!' She almost yelled, kicking the gate and dropping to the floor with Christina still in her arms. Lisa let out a shaky breath and tired to keep her emotions in check.

'Lise.' She heard Christina quietly speak.

'Chris.' Lisa lent her up against the gate and moved to face her. 'Chris, you're okay.' Lisa assured her. Christina's eyes fluttered open and she looked at Lisa.

'Are you....?' Christina asked.

'Sure, I guess so.' Lisa smiled.

'I don't like that answer.' Christina said. She put a hand to her face and winced when she made contact with the cut. 'Shit.'

'Don't touch it.' Lisa said, gently pulling her hand away.

'Where's everyone else?' Christina asked, looking around.

'I have no idea.' Lisa admitted.

'Why is it so cold? I swear it wasn't this cold when we left this morning.' Christina remembered.

'No it was pretty warm.' Lisa said as Christina took in the rest of their surroundings. She saw the house and turned back to Lisa.

'That blew up.' She said.

'Uh-huh.' Lisa nodded.

'So what....?' Christina started but she was met with a blinding pain in her head. 'Ah... shit!' She put her head in her hands and tried to let the pain pass.

Misplaced Magic (Book 8)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ