Chapter 7

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"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." ― Søren Kierkegaard


Christina closed the door behind her and almost crashed into Dani as she turned into the living room. 'Dani!' Christina stepped back. Dani was looking at her, grinning. 'What?'

'That's really cute you know.' Dani smiled.

'What is?' Christina lent on the wall.

'You two.' Dani said. 'Young love.'

'Shut up.' Christina grinned at her. 'He's just worried.'

'Did you explain?' Katherine asked as she joined the rest of the girls in the living room. Christina sat down, taking her broken phone out of her pocket and dropping it onto the table.

'A little yeah, he doesn't need all the details.' Christina closed her eyes.

'You look exhausted.' Amy pointed out.

'I feel it.' Christina said without opening her eyes.

'But Amy healed you?' Lisa looked her over, confused.

'I'm sure it's nothing.' Christina said. 'I am going to shower though.'

'Me too.' Dani jumped up and followed her up the stairs. Katherine's eyes followed them as they walked up the stairs. She turned to Amy.

'Should we be worried Aimes?' She asked.

'About Chris?' Katherine nodded. 'No, I don't think so. We know my power doesn't heal her exhaustion. It's probably just a build up and she needs to sleep more.'

'I hope you're right.' Katherine said.

'We still need a way to find this guy again.' Lisa reminded them.

'At least we know his name.' Lauren reminded them. 'Jonathan.'

'Great, and how many Jonathan's are there in the city?' Amy said sarcastically.

'A lot.' Lauren sank down in her seat.

'We're going to have to wait for him to show up again then.' Lisa sighed. Katherine saw Christina's phone and went to pick it up.

'Not sure what Chris want's to do about this.' She sighed, picking it up. As soon as she touched it she was over taken by the vision.

Christina was on the concrete, pushing herself up. Katherine was back in the street when Christina was trying to talk with Jonathan. 'Chris?' Katherine questioned, walking a little closer. Christina was standing, facing him. Katherine watched as she wiped the blood from her arm.

'What's your name?' Christina asked. Katherine stopped focussing on what she was saying and started to look around. She noticed what the man was wearing. It was a plain black t-shirt, but there was something on it. Katherine took a step closer. There was a logo on his top. It was a pair of wings with a flame in the middle, topped with a halo.

Katherine snapped back into the living room and was met by the worried eyes of her sisters. 'What the hell was that Kath?' Lisa asked. Katherine noticed that Christina and Dani were back in the room, hair wet from their showers. She was sitting down, Christina's phone still in her hand.

'How long have I ben sitting here?' She asked, confused.

'Like, ten minutes.' Lauren said. 'We thought you passed out or something, but you said Christina's name so we guessed you were having a premonition.'

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