Chapter 20

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"But we are strong, each in our purpose, and we are all more strong together." ― Bram Stoker


Lauren woke up and her vision was slightly fuzzy. She could hear people talking but she wasn't sure where the voices were coming from. She pulled herself up and realised she was on the sofa in Christina's apartment. She instinctively felt for her neck and found no wounds, no blood coming away on her hand. She turned towards the kitchen and saw all of her sisters in conversation. 'Hey.' She mumbled as she pushed herself to her feet. Dani bounced over and gave her a hand, leading her to the counter and sitting her down on a bar stool.

'Welcome back.' Christina slid a mug of coffee towards Lauren. 'You're going to need that.' Lauren smiled.

'Thanks. How long were you out for?' She took a sip of the warm drink.

'Not long.' Christina assured her. 'I wasn't tired from my own power drain, just the demon strangling.'

'That'll take it out of you.' Dani joked.

'You did amazing back there Lauren.' Christina said sincerely.

'I had to do something.' Lauren admitted. 'These demons need to stop coming after your power. Maybe if they know there's two of us now they'll lay off you a little.'

'I appreciate the gesture.' Christina rubbed her shoulder. 'But maybe we should train you a bit before we send you up against any more power snatching demons.'

'I'd like that.' Lauren nodded. 'Thanks for the healing Aimes.'

'No problem.' Amy said. 'It's easier to heal you when you're unconscious, less whining.'

'Hey!' Lauren laughed. She was a little offended but she appreciated the joke.

'Christina was telling us what happened.' Katherine said.

'You managed to hit him with the power stripping potion.' Lisa finished for her.

'Yeah, but we weren't there long enough to see if it worked.' Christina added.

'I'm sure he'll be back.' Lauren said. 'If he wasn't annoyed before, he'll certainly be now.'

'We need to be prepared either way. He has more than the one power and if we managed to get one, he's going to be pissed.' Christina said. She lent her hands against the counter and started to think.

'What's on your mind?' Katherine asked her.

'The ring.' Christina said.

'What about it? Aunt Steph destroyed it.' Lisa reminded her.

'I know but the powers were put in there somehow, they didn't end up in that ring by accident.'

'You want to banish his powers into a ring?' Amy said, jumping on her wavelength.

'It doesn't have to be a ring but yeah, why not?' Christina shrugged. 'We can write a spell to take away his powers and lock them away somewhere he won't be able to get a hold of them ever again.'

'I think that's a great idea.' Dani said cheerfully. 'Solves all of our problems.'

'Do you think we can write a spell that powerful?' Lisa asked.

'Our physical powers are growing, why not our spell-casting?' Christina turned to Dani and Lauren. 'Can you guys find something like the ring we can use?'

'I'm sure there's something in mum's old stuff we could borrow.' Lauren said.

'Wait, Chris, don't you have anything here?' Lisa asked.

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