Chapter 8

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"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." — Confucius


They reached the road leading down to the river. It was an odd location. There was a pier at the end of the road and houses lining it on either side. Lauren looked over the first couple of houses and sighed. 'So what? We're just supposed to start knocking on doors?'

'What else can we do?' Lisa shrugged.

'Why don't we have a look around first?' Katherine suggested. 'Maybe we'll find some clues.'

'This feels so much like an episode of Scooby-Do.' Dani said. Christina smiled at her sister as she too scanned over the area.

'Let's just try and find him as quickly as possible.' She said, starting the walk down the road.

'We only have three potions left.' Amy pointed out.

'Maybe we can try and knock him out first.' Lisa suggested. 'We can give him the potion and then Amy can heal him.'

'Theoretically it's a good plan.' Katherine said. 'We have to get close enough to him first.'

'Lauren.' Christina turned to her sister and held out a hand which the younger Cimorelli gladly took. There was a moment when blue energy shone from their joined palms before they separated.

'Thanks.' Lauren smiled.

'Strike first, don't let him get his power off.' Christina said. Meanwhile, Lisa and Dani were moving closer to people's houses to look through the windows.

'Why does this place feel deserted?' Dani questioned.

'Look.' Amy said, pointing to a sign. 'Sold.' There were more signs exactly the same, pretty much all the way down. 

'Sold to Regis Developers.' Lauren read from the sign. 

'What for?' Lisa asked.

'No idea. Probably looking to open a new mall or some more high tech buildings.' Amy suggested. The houses were all connected so it was hard to see around them.

'Do we think they have back gardens?' Lauren asked.

'Probably.' Christina thought for a moment. 'Let's get to the end of the road and then we can split up, take a row of gardens each on the way back.'

'Sounds like a plan.' Dani agreed. She started to walk along the sidewalk, balancing on the curb.

'It's too quiet.' Katherine said nervously. Dani was a few meters away from the group when she stepped down from the curb. As soon as her feet hit the road there was an explosion. She stepped back in shock as she felt the heat of the fire hit the side of her face. The building next to her had exploded. Katherine put her shield up quickly and deflected flying debris away from the rest of her sisters, but Dani ended up on the ground, arms over her face to protect herself. A moment later she felt hands on her arms. Lauren and Lisa were pulling her up.

'Dani...' She thought she could hear Amy but it was a little fuzzy and her ears were ringing. 'Dani!' The voice repeated. It was louder and it was Amy.

'What!?' Dani said, yelling without meaning to.

'Hang on.' Amy said. She ran her hand over Dani's head whilst the others stepped in front of them, closer to the remains of the house. Amy healed Dani as she shook some glass out of her hair.

'Holy shit.' Dani said, turning to the group. She could see the house. The entire top floor was gone and there were small fires everywhere. 'Did I do that?' She asked, confused. She could see Christina and Lauren standing with small blue energy balls in their hands. Even Lisa had started to prepare her dark power, veins crawling up one arm.

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