Chapter 2

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"Don't go against your inner knowing. Just don't. Trust yourself." ― Maria Erving


Katherine and Christina were sitting in the car outside of the hospital waiting for Amy. It was chilly outside and the car was beginning to cool down to match it. They were early so Katherine had turned the engine off. 'Why are hospitals always creepy at night?' Christina asked, looking over the big stone building. There were several lights over the doors but they were parked by the employee entrance so it was relatively quiet on the traffic front.

'They've just built up the reputation I guess.' Katherine said.

'I'm trying to remember the last time I was in a hospital.' Christina thought back.

'When you were fourteen. You fell in gymnastics and hit your head. Mum literally had a panic attack and made them give you every scan they had.' Katherine said.

'I don't remember that at all, I remember the accident but the few days after are a little fuzzy. I always forget about it.' Christina looked at her.

'That was the problem.' Katherine grinned. 'Concussion. No gymnastics for a month.'

'That's it. I was so pissed off.' Christina smiled.

'Why did you quit gymnastics in the end?' Katherine wondered.

'I got my powers. And everything else just seemed less important.' Christina said.

'You were really good at it.' Katherine remembered.

'I was okay.' Christina amended her. 'I wasn't going to the olympics or anything.'

'No but it was still something you enjoyed.'

'It was.' Christina admitted. 'I should get a new hobby. All of this witch stuff is a lot sometimes.'

'Not to mention your low stress job.' Katherine grinned.

'That too.'

'Speaking of jobs, can I run something by you?' Katherine's tone of voice changed.

'Of course. Sounds serious.' Christina adjusted in her seat.

'There's a kid at school and I'm worried about her.'

'How so?' Christina asked. Katherine let out a long breath before speaking.

'I think she's being hurt, at home.'

'By her parents?' Christina asked.

'It's only her and her dad. No mum, no siblings.' Katherine said. 'And she keeps coming in with all these bruises.'

'She's a kid. Are you sure she's not just playing rough in the playground?'

'Maybe, but something feels off. Her behaviour has changed so much over the past few weeks.'

'Well, your gut is usually right Kath. I'd trust it every time.' Christina smiled slightly. 'Why don't you try and talk to her, or get the school councillor to talk to her?'

'I guess so.' Katherine said.

'Kath, I love your heart so much.' Christina put a hand over her sisters. 'And if you need me to kick this guys ass, then I will.'

'Thanks Chris.' Katherine laughed. 'I'll keep you posted on that.' The back door swung open and they both jumped. Christina put her hand up with a little blue energy ready just in case. Amy put her hands up before she got in the car.

'Don't shoot.' She said. 'It's me, your sister. The little one.' Christina let out a breath and her energy faded.

'Sorry Aimes.' Christina said.

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