Chapter 10

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"Memories are dangerous things. You turn them over and over, until you know every touch and corner, but still you'll find an edge to cut you." ― Mark Lawrence


Michelle was in the middle of the attic, slightly translucent, whilst the girls were questioning her about the demon. 'He knew who we were. Who you were.' Katherine told her. Michelle thought back, momentarily stumped.

'Girls, lots of demons know about you and I've fought a lot of them. I need more to go on.'

'He was a big dude. Looked pretty normal until he made a house explode.' Dani said, a little frustrated.

'He absorbed my death beam, mum. How is anything able to do that?' Lisa asked. This seemed to make Michelle think of someone.

'He absorbed it?' She questioned.

'It just hit his chest and powered him up. Didn't make a dent.' Lisa said.

'No, it can't be.' Michelle said quietly.

'Can't be what?' Amy prompted.

'Bathin.' Michelle looked to them. She was scared.

'Bathin?' Katherine questioned.

'He was a demon I had trouble with, a long time ago.' Michelle admitted. Then a voice came from the doorway.

'What happened after he found us that day in the street?' Christina said, leaning against the doorframe. There was still some blood on her shirt from their earlier battle. Lauren made her way over to her and helped her further into the room. They sat down on the sofa.

'Are you alright?' Michelle asked her.

'I will be as soon as you answer my question.' Christina said.

'What day? What street?' Dani asked.

'I had a dream.' Christina said. 'But it wasn't a dream. It was a memory.' Michelle looked down at her eldest.

'It was a memory I helped you forget.' Michelle admitted.

'Great.' Christina laughed bitterly. 'How many other childhood moments am I missing mum? First Belial, now Bathin.'

'Christina, it was for your own good.'

'Maybe.' Christina said. 'But he's back so you need to tell us everything.'

'It all started before that memory. He started as just another demon.' Michelle began to pace. 'We researched and had a plan. We were going to trap him and vanquish him.'

'But?' Lisa prompted.

'But something went wrong.' Michelle thought back. 'Your Aunt Josephine was badly hurt and we couldn't do the plan a member down so I tried on my own.'

'What happened?' Amy asked gently.

'We kept cancelling each other out.' Michelle shrugged. 'Neither of us could kill the other. We were equal in power. He proposed that we joined forces.'

'What did you do?' Lauren wondered.

'I said no. We got Jo to safety and then tried to at least banish him, but it didn't work. He went quiet and we forgot about him for a while.'

'Then he came back.' Christina said.

'It was a year later. He was still hung up on the fact that we were so similar. He asked me to join him again.'

Misplaced Magic (Book 8)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant