Chapter 3

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"Waiting hurts. Forgetting hurts. But not knowing which decision to take can sometimes be the most painful." ― José N. Harris


Katherine was letting her class out for the day when she saw Suzie lingering at her desk, packing away her things slowly. Once the final student had gone, Katherine watched Suzie slowly walk to the front of the class. Her head was down, and Katherine knew this was her moment. 'Hey Suzie, can I speak to you before you go?' Suzie lifted her head and stopped at Katherine's desk.

'Am I in trouble Miss Cimorelli?' She said gently.

'No Suzie, nothing like that. I just wanted to see how you're doing?'

'I'm fine.' Suzie replied.

'Are you sure? That looks like it hurts a little bit.' Katherine pointed to the bruise on the girls' right forearm. Suzie quickly pulled her sleeve down to cover it. 'How'd you get that?'

'Oh, I fell.' She said.

'Doesn't look like a bruise someone gets from a fall.' Katherine pointed out. 'If you want to talk to me, about anything, you know you can, right?' Suzie looked up to her and nodded just as a loud voice bellowed from the door.

'Suzie, there you are.' A tall man was standing in the entrance of Katherine's classroom. 'I was worried when you didn't come out with the other kids.' He walked into the room and smiled at Katherine before kissing Suzie on the head. 'What's going on here?' He looked to Katherine.

'We were just having a little chat Mr Ramirez, that's all.' Katherine said.

'Oh yeah, a chat about what?' He took a step closer to the desk so that he was towering over Katherine where she sat.

'About school, Suzie did a really good job in class today.' Katherine stood up to counteract his movement, but he was still very tall.

'Uh-huh.' He smiled at her. 'Good job Suze. We're going to be late for your gymnastics class now though.'

'It's not until five.' The little nine-year-old said.

'That's right.' He laughed. 'She's a better timekeeper than I am. Come on.' He led Suzie towards the door with a hand on her shoulder before turning back to Katherine. 'And the next time you want to keep my daughter after class Miss Cimorelli, notify me first. Or I'll complain to the school board.'

'You have a nice day Mr Ramirez.' Katherine smiled back at him. Once they were gone, she sank back into her chair and put her head in her hands. She tried to go back to her lesson plan for the coming month, but her mind was distracted. So, she packed up and went home.


Dani and Lauren walked through the doors to Wendy's and the bell rang loudly. Wendy was at her counter, where she always was, and greeted them with a warm smile when she saw them. 'Afternoon girls.' She said.

'Hey Wendy.' Lauren replied as Dani scurried off to the book isle.

'What can I get for you?' She asked. Lauren handed over the list Christina had written for them. Wendy looked over the ingredients and looked at Lauren, concerned. 'You're making a power stripping potion. For whom?'

'Oh, you remember Aunt Steph?' Wendy nodded. 'Well she managed to get that ring open and a couple of powers flew into a human.'

'That's not going to end well.' Wendy said.

'Nope, and now we have to fix another one of Aunt Stephanie's messes before this kid does something stupid or gets hurt.'

'Let me get these bits for you.' Wendy said, heading off to the herb isle as Dani came back with a large book in her hands.

'Find the book?' Lauren asked.

'What gave it away?' Dani grinned, putting the heavy book on the counter.

'Why do you want that anyway?' Lauren asked.

'Just curious. And we need to learn about more magical things, so.' Dani shrugged.

'Okay.' Lauren said. Wendy came back over to them with a full basket and started ringing it up on the till.

'Now, you'll let me know if you need me?'

'We will.' Dani said. 'Should be pretty simple considering everything we've faced in the past.'

'You never know, keep your wits about you girls.' Wendy said, handing them their bag of things.

'Thanks Wendy.' Lauren said before they exited the building.


Katherine came through the door at around five and saw Amy in the living room. 'Hey Kath.' Amy said, looking up from the television.

'Hey, is Chris around?' Katherine asked, taking off her jacket and hanging it up.

'She's in the attic.' Amy confirmed. 'Everything okay?'

'Yeah, just need to follow up with her about something.' Katherine smiled. She took the stairs two at a time until she was in the attic. She made it there just in time to see a potion bowl explode in front of Christina. The momentum sent her back to the floor, landing with a thud. She coughed and tried to wave the smoke away as Katherine went over to open a window.

'Hey Kath.' She choked out.

'Hey to you too.' Katherine said, hauling her up from the floor. 'What are you doing?'

'Trying to make a power stripping potion but I don't have the right stuff. Dani and Lauren are getting it.'

'Maybe you should wait for them to get back before you try again.' Katherine suggested.

'Yeah, good idea.' Christina said as they went over to the couch. 'How was school?'

'Fine, and I tried to talk to Suzie.'

'Suzie, the kid you think's being abused?'

'Yeah, she was really quiet all day and she had a bruise on her arm.' Katherine said.

'Did she tell you how she got it?' Christina asked.

'She said she fell.' Katherine sighed.

'You don't believe her?' Christina brushed some soot from the explosion off her top.

'No. I've seen bruises like hers before, so have you.' Katherine said as Christina looked at her. 'When Jonah grabbed your arm, that's what Suzie's looked like.'

'What else did she say?' Christina wondered.

'Nothing. Her dad came in to take her home. He might have threatened to tell the school board if I kept her after class again.'

'He threatened you? Who is this guy?' Christina said angrily.

'I'm not going to tell you just yet Chris, let me try and figure it out before you go all big sister on me.'

'Fine.' Christina sighed. 'Can he really tell on you to the school board?'

'He can but I don't they'll take him seriously until I actually break a rule.' She said. 'I do have one favour to ask though.'

'Name it.' Christina said.

'I found out Suzie does gymnastics. So if I need you to, would you be able to speak to her and try to relate? Bond with her?'

'Of course, but the dad didn't like you speaking to her and you're her teacher. I'm just some random woman.'

'I know, but it's a last resort option.' Katherine said.

'Okay, let me know.' Christina squeezed her knee.

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