Kill the Emotion! - part 2

Start from the beginning

Yes... this world is ugly and cruel.


it's also beautiful.

Chelsea POV

I walked into the infirmary a day later. Cyrus sits on the bed, in normal clothing finally, and his migraine has disappeared. He looks up at me and smiles.

"What's up?" He asks.

I hesitate. "Oh nothing, I just-" I start.

Cyrus walks past me, and into the hall, "Okay, well I'll be on the hill if you need me." he says.

Did I just get ignored?! That jerk, he totally forgot!

Well... I can't be too forceful, he just lost the one that was like a father to him. All he has been talking about the last few days was his master, not out loud, but in his sleep. And no! I didn't watch him while he slept!

well I found out he doesn't snore... wait, I didn't say that.

But no way am I letting him get away!

I run after him, out into the plain near the base. He stands with his overcoat flowing in the wind, his mask is in his hand, he's staring at it. I can tell he's thinking hard.

"I know your standing there." he says, making me jump. His senses are as sharp as ever. He turns to glance at me, then looks at the mountains.

"What did you want to talk about? you know, you told me before the battle that you had something to talk about..." he said. wait, he remembered! My heart skips a beat, oh no, I'm getting nervous.

"Um... yeah, I did." I twiddle my fingers.

He looks at me, walking over to face me. "What is it?" He asks.

My heart is doing jumping jacks! my face is burning up, and my hands are getting sweaty. I'm so nervous!

Then, he laughs. "Is it that important? calm down a bit, it's just me." he said with a grin.

I look up in surprise, he's right. this is Cyrus were talking about, he'll listen to anyone's problems, even though this isn't a problem, he'll listen, I know he will.

I take a deep breath, then pull something out of my bag, and hand it to him.

a sucker.

At first, he's confused, he just unwrapped it and stuck in his mouth, "Huh, thanks! I thought you only gave it... to..." The reality of it smacked him in the face. He stared at me, then the sucker, then back to me. He sighed, scratching his head like he usually does to hide embarrassment.

"Well... this is... different." he chuckles.

He's going to decline, I just know it, Damn I was so stupid-

Suddenly his hands around my waist, and he pulls me close, I'm right next to his face! He smiles, "Your sure your okay with me?" He said with an embarrassing smile.

I don't wait for to reply, neither does he. Our lips connect. His hands roam around, pulling me closer, while I put my arms around his neck, making sure not to let him go.

After the kiss - which lasted a long time - we stared at one another, still in each others arms.

His face lit up pink, "I didn't know... that you-"

I put a finger to his lips, silencing him. He just slowly smiled.

Cyrus was mine, I can't believe that I did it!

But of course no moment can be perfect.

"Holy Shit! Nice score Cyrus!" We hear Lubbock yell from a window in the dining hall, giving Cyrus a thumbs up.

Cyrus gives him a playful thumbs up, to humor his friend. "Yeah! but if I see you peeping at her again... I'll scorch you!"  he yelled up at Lubbock.

"Y-yeah!" Lubbock said, his voice hesitated.

Cyrus looks back out at the mountain, then back at me. "So, shall we?" He does a funny bow and takes my hand, kissing it like a noble.

I laugh, "Yes, I am, my Prince." I say as he suddenly swoops me up in both arms. I blush at first, but I look into his eyes, their changing color rapidly, red, yellow, orange. in a pattern.

We carries me to the door of the base, I'm giggling, I pull my head onto his chest. it's funny, I'm not really sure which one of us is more taller, I've never checked. He smells like cinnamon.

"Wait right there." says a voice.

Cyrus turns, and sees Akame standing out in the plains. But something isn't right, she has her sword drawn, And Cyrus puts me down.

"What do you need, Akame?" Cyrus asks with caution.

"This is about you wanting my sister dead." Akame answers simply.

Cyrus flinched, then put his sucker back in his mouth, grinning. "Too bad to. I'm in a really good mood right now, so I might be way too confident... let's do this then." he says.

Akame nods, getting in a ready position. Wait, what the hell's happening?! Are they gonna fight! I start to run in between them, but a hand on my shoulder stops me. It s Susano.

"Let them fight it out. This is how they want to argue, let them." Susano says with a blank face.

An argument? Over who'll kill Kurome? that's so stupid! I mean, it's a hard decision, Akame is her sister, but Cyrus had his loved one taken from her, so it's hard to see which on should be able to do it.

Cyrus laughs, "This feels like deja vu. didn't we fighting this before?" He said with a grin.

Akame has a small smile. "Now we continue it."

Cyrus's sword appears from under his coat, and he readies also.

"Come At me, Akame!" He yells as both of the assassins charge at one another.

(Hope you liked! Oh romance, I love it!) - MnMs171

With Cyrus's and Chelsea's "moment" interrupted, Cyrus and Akame aim to finish the fight they had before. Who will emerge victorious in this battle of master assassins?! Find out in the next chapter, "Kill The Smoke!"

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