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"Open it," Danny says, sounding excited. I reach for the table, and clasp my fingers around it. I open it. A birthday card and three slips of paper fall out of it onto my lap. I read the birthday card, smiling at the cheesy sincerity. I pick up the slips of paper and turn them over, seeing that they are tickets to London, England. I gasp, and tears spring to my eyes.

"Are these real?" My voice is shaky.

"Yep!" Danny all but shouts. "And, when we get there, there's another surprise, but I can't wait to tell you so I'm just gonna say it. I talked to some people and you and I are going to visit the set of Doctor Who, meet the cast and everything."

"We are not!" I say in disbelief.

"Oh yes we are," Danny argues. "It took a lot of arguing, time, and money to be able to make this happen, so it's happening."

Thoughts race through my mind, most of them happy. I scream with joy and throw my arms around Danny's neck. "Thank you thank you thank you!" He chuckles and hugs me back. When he lets go, I come to a realization.

"Oh my God, my parents! What will they say?" I screech in horror. They will not let me go to a foreign country, let alone with my boyfriend. Sure it's the chance of a lifetime, but I'm the baby of the family. I don't get privileges.

And there's the fact that it's like 3,000 miles away.

"Don't you worry, kid. I have got that covered," Danny explains. "That third ticket is for Sabrina. She's going to come with us to keep an eye on everything. I'll have a separate hotel room from you guys. I talked to your dad, he says as long as I am a gentleman and keep my pants zipped, he doesn't care what happens." We both blush furiously. "Your mom was a little harder to convince. She doesn't want her baby to be so far. So, you kind of have to call her every day, or it's no deal."

"Done!" I shout automatically. If I get to go see the people I admire most for a week and all I have to do is call my overly protective (but sweet) Mommy once a day, then there is no problem.

"And my dad is the one who came up with the idea, so I think that means he's more than alright with it."

"Holy shit. We're going to England!" I look around at my friends. "I'm going to England!" The girls and I squeal in delight. I kick my legs like a child on the couch, smiling like a madman. Or rather, madwoman.

"How on earth did you get this to work? Aren't these like a gazillion dollars?" I ask, waving the tickets in my hand.

"I saved up." Danny says simply. My heart melts and I pull him into a kiss, thanking whatever higher being there is for giving me such a perfect angel.

"Ewww," Amy and Missy say in unison. Danny and I pull apart, smiling at each other.

"Y'all are nasty," Maddy shouts.

"We can get a whole lot nastier right here, right now." I suggest. The girls shake their heads furiously.

"Julie!" Danny scolds me. I snicker and soon it turns into a full on howl of laughter, tears falling from my eyes.

"Oh my god, I need sleep," I say, wiping tears from my eyes. "There is no reason for me to think that is as funny as I did." I put the tickets back in the envelope, along with the card. I gather up all of my book gift cards and stuff them in there, too. I place the lid back on the box with the pocket watch in it, putting everything in one pile.

"Every one of you, get your asses over here and hug me." I hold open my arms and the girls, Danny, and Rick all climb in my arms to hug me. "You guys are amazing. Thank you so much."

We all hug for a few more seconds, then everyone pulls away. Rick checks his phone, gasping at the time.

"Shit, you've got to go, I'm sorry. I don't wanna kick people out, but my parents are going to kill me if there's still people here when they get home."

Maddy, Amy, and Missy all run out the door. I grab my gifts and hug Rick one more time. "Thank you, again. Oh and, whenever you're done eating all the cupcakes, I need the containers back." Danny walks out the door.

"I'll text you. You better come get them, I don't have room to store them all. Happy birthday, Julie."

I smile at him. "Bye," I say as I walk out the door. I join Danny on the sidewalk, Missy just a few feet away. I wave to Amy and Maddy as they get in their cars. The street is almost empty, everything quiet and dark, the only sounds being my friends' cars as they drive away.

"I'm gonna go call my dad, let him know I'm coming home. Be right back," Danny tells me.

"Wanna drive with me? I have to pick up some cough medicine for my little brother so he doesn't keep me up all night again, and we can get some Twizzlers or something."

"Sounds good to me."

"Cool, I'm gonna go start the car."

"Alright, I'll be there in just a minute, I'm gonna say bye to Danny. Speak of the devil," I say, seeing Danny walking up. 

"Ok, don't be too long though." She walks down the street a ways to her car.

"What's all this about?" Danny asks.

"Missy's driving me home," I explain. "Your dad alright?"

"Yeah, I woke him up though, which he wasn't too happy about."

I laugh. "I can imagine. Well, I've gotta go, Missy won't wait forever."

"If you must, I'll let thee go."

"You are such a nerd, I can't handle you."

"Whatever. You love me." He smiles.

"For reasons unknown, yes."

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