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Danny's Point of View

We stand on the porch in shock. A blonde in a witch hat opens the door, smiling. "Do you like the sound? I had it specially installed for the holiday. It's great, right?" She asks.

"You must be Stephanie," Missy says.

"That is correct, sugar. Well come on in, make yourselves comfortable."

As I walk into the house, my eyes are met with cobwebs and dancing kids. Smoke covers the ground and purple glitter is strewn across the tables. Orange lights are wrapped up around the stair railing, shining in the semi darkness.

"Alright," Andra faces me, talking in a British accent. "I'm gonna go find food, and as Missy says, make people think I'm insane."

"Have fun," I say, trying my best to sound like a Londoner. I turn around to see that Missy and Amy are both gone. I sigh and try to find my way to a bathroom.


Twenty minutes later and still no luck, I make my way towards the kitchen. There are few people there, which is perfectly fine for me.

I've had to squeeze through a sweaty mass of teenagers just to get where I am now. I've been a witness to three separate make out sessions, a girl dressed as a cat laughing uncontrollably in a corner, and someone throwing a high heel at a wall for no apparent reason.

I lean against the cabinets and close my eyes. When I open them, I'm greeted with a face right in front of mine.

"What the hell?!" I say in a surprisingly good British accent. She smirks at me.

"You're even hotter when you have an accent. You're amazing," she says, petting my shoulder. I shrink away from her touch.

"Oh come on, Danny. Don't be like that."

"I don't know who you're talking about," I say, making her confused. "I'm not Danny, I'm the Doctor. But if you fancy talking to the air, be my guest."

I try to walk away, but she grabs my arm again. "Stop being so weird!" She shouts.

"I don't know what you mean. This is how I normally am."

"What about all the flirting?"

I scoff. "If you haven't noticed, I've got a girlfriend. And I love her. I'm sorry, but you're just not the one for me."

"Yes I am! I'll prove it to you, and then we can be together."

The next thing I know, my back is against the fridge and Veronica's lips are on mine. I try using my hands to push her off, but she's pinned them to the cold surface.

I use my legs to kick her, and she leaps off of me. "Danny! That hurt."

I point my finger at her face. "You. You have to stop this fantasy in your head, because I love Julie and I'm never going to stop. Plus, you can't just go around kissing people without their consent. Get out of my sight."

"But Danny, I can love you better than she can. I mean she's practically dead."


She flinches. I blink back tears, but my throat still burns with the promise of breaking down. When she doesn't move, I continue.

"You don't know the first thing about how Julie loves me. She's gonna wake up and when she does, you had better leave us alone. For good."

I walk out of the kitchen and find myself at a door leading outside. I push it open and I'm met with a rush of wind. I close the door behind me and rest my back on it.

The cool air of the night blows around me, wiping off tears I didn't know I was shedding. I grit my teeth and think about everything that just happened.

After twenty minutes or so, I head back inside. The glamour of the party has worn off, and I go to find the girls.

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