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Danny's Point of View

I stand in front of the mirror, staring at myself in awe.

"Sweetheart, is everything alright? Does it fit okay?" Julie's grandmother asks through the door. I turn the knob.

"See for yourself," I say, beaming. She smiles at me. "Really, Mrs Wells. I can't thank you enough. This is absolutely amazing."

"Danny, I've told Julie this many times. Sewing is one of my favorite hobbies and I never get to do it because I have nobody to sew for. You're honestly doing me a favor. And please, call me Grams."

"Well Grams," she smiles once more. "I should probably get going. Once again, thank you for everything and if you ever need anything done, feel free to call."

"Can I count on seeing you Halloween night?"

"Yeah, for sure. I really can't thank you enough."

"Sweetheart, it's my pleasure. Now you'd better get going. Have fun and tell me how it goes."

"Yes ma'am," I smile. Grams walks me out to my car, and she waves until I turn the corner.


"Yello!" Missy says.

"Hey, so are we gonna meet somewhere and then drive to the party or are we gonna just go in separate cars?"

"Daniel, I have told you this about a billion times already. I have Andra and Amy in the car and I'm 5 minutes away from your house, so you'd better be ready," she scolds.

"Well geez okay, mom," I bite back. I hear her chuckle.

"Alright, see you in like three seconds."

I end the call and lace up my sneakers. I grab Julie's sonic and put it in the inner pocket of my jacket. I check my hair once more in the mirror, confirming that it's still gelled up. I take the fake glasses off the counter and put them on my face. I hear a horn honking and smile.

"Daaad, I'm leaving!" I shout.

"Okay, don't drink and no drugs! I love you, bye."

I sigh as I shut the door. I walk to Missy's car and open the passenger side door, only to be greeted by Andra.

"Get in the back," she says to me. I look at her, a look of confusion on my face. "Well come on, we haven't got all day."

"Andra, I am over six feet tall. How on earth am I supposed to fit in the backseat of this microscopic thing?"

"Hey! Don't insult Darwin." Missy scolds me. I shake my head at the ridiculous name.

"I'll move over behind Andra and you can sit behind Missy. She keeps her seat as close to the gas as possible, there's a ton of room," Amy offers. I nod and move to the other side of the car.

After seating myself, I breathe in and look out the window. A strange smell intoxicates my nose.

"Is that lemon?" I ask as Missy starts the car. She smiles in the rear view mirror.

"Lemons and rosemary. You've gotta commit if you're gonna say we're doing this for Julie. So strike up your accents, everybody. Danny you better freak those party goers out with insane scientific facts. Andra, you're mildly insane for the night and talk about Nargles and Blibbering Humdingers. Amy, throw salt on the people that are exceptionally rude. Tonight, we aren't just dressed as the characters. We have become them and you all better act like it. Got it?"

I smile at how much she sounds like Julie. "Well?"

"Yes ma'am," I say. Andra and Amy nod. The rest of the way there is filled with Siri's voice spewing out directions every ten seconds and nervousness.


"We're here," Missy says. My heart beats faster, not knowing if I can do this.

Come on Daniel, it's just a stupid party with stupid teenagers. There's nothing to worry about.

"Well, Danny, are you gonna sit in the car all night or are you coming with us?"

I step out of the car and shiver in the cold. I adjust the glasses on my face and start walking to the door with the girls.

We approach the steps to the porch and walk up them. Music booms through the closed door. Missy turns to face us, shivering. "Is everybody ready?" She asks. I put on a smile, as do the rest of them.

"Here goes nothing," Missy whispers as she rings the doorbell. A shriek echoes throughout the house just as somebody opens the door.

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