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the airport scene

Airports are scary. They hold a lingering sense of eeriness that no one ever likes. This is where the first hello's happen, but also the last goodbye's. This is where families separate from their only child going away to college. This is where young adults must face their significant other moving away to a new state. This is where a chapter begins, but an old one ends. Not only does it have these sorrows and tragedies, it also has the positive aspects. This is where internet best friends meet for the first time as they hug and fall to the floor. This is where wives kiss their soldier husbands as she holds their child in her arms.

But today wasn't one of those positive aspects.

"I'll miss you, hermosa," Alex whispered into my ear as we were in a bone crushing hug.

A tear fell down my cheek as I quickly tried wiping it away, not wanting him to see me like this, "it'll only be for two weeks, mi amor. We can call and text everyday."

He smiled into my neck, "I know, I know. It's just gonna be weird without you."

I let out a breathy laugh, "I'm sure you won't be missing me that much," I rolled my eyes.

"Baby, you have no idea," he lowly replied as my cheeks heat up.

We pulled apart.

Alex tucked a hair behind my ear as he rested his hand on my jaw, "stay safe, alright?" He told me.

I closed my eyes and nodded, "as should you."

As he was about to leave, he stopped in his tracks and walked up to me again, grabbing my hand, "hermosa, I know it's only two weeks and I'm being overdramatic, but...if anything happens....just...w-wait for me, okay?"

I tilted my head in confusion, "wait for you?" I asked him, not understanding.

He bit his lip as he just grinned, "goodbye, mi cielito."

And with that, he turned around.

I stared at his back, taking in the feeling of how his hand felt on my face and how warm it felt while we were hugging. He was my safe space, and I guess that's why it was so hard to see him go. I didn't know if I could be sane without him for two weeks.

But he has priorities. He's going for work, and he's going to meet his supporters. He'll see his friends for the first time, and he'll be happy. He will be the happiest he's ever been, and that's all I need to keep me content.

I turned around and left the airport.


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