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A/N: double upload cuz i wanna have more chapters out for when new ppl start reading this!!! i hate keeping ppl waiting lamdixoakxjia


the boy's house scene

"So, mi casa es tu casa," Alex grinned at me as he spread his arms out.

I was currently at his house on a Thursday afternoon because we were both bored and wanted to do something. We had been talking more recently ever since we made up, yet we never brought up that situation.

I popped an M&M into my mouth, "sick. Where the hoes at," i asked as I looked around.

Alex gasped in offense, "HEY! This isn't a burdel, [whorehouse] estúpida!" He screeched.

I giggled, "so touchy. Can't believe you're against sex workers."

Alex got flustered, "whatever," he mumbled.

We went up to his room as he said, "so, this is where the magic happens."

I choked, "girl, I don't think you should be telling me that. Like I get it we're friends and all but that's a little bit too much—"

Alex immediately widened his eyes, "SCARLET! Get your mind out of the fricken gutter, you weirdo! I was talking about my YOUTUBE magic, hermosa [beautiful]."

Alex, call me that one more time and I will literally explode.

I walked in as I noticed the keyboard in the corner. He had a pretty complex PC setup. Life of being a gamer boy, I guess.

As I was about to sit down on his bed, Alex immediately had a full on spaz attack and screamed at the top of his lungs. He ran towards me, grabbed my waist, and pulled me up before I could fully sit. Before I knew it, I was inches away from a freaked out Alex.

"Did you lose your fucking mind?!" I asked him as he was still holding onto my waist—not that I was complaining.

"ESTÁS CIEGO?!?! [ARE YOU BLIND]" Alex yelled at me as he pointed to where I was about to sit.

I looked down and jumped at the sight, getting closer to Alex's body, "what the FUCK is that?" I asked, motioning towards the weird curled up thing on his bed.

While still holding onto me with one arm, he bent down and picked up the thing in his other arm, "meet Tiger. This is my cat, hermosa, and you nearly KILLED him!" Alex stood straight now as he put the cat right next to me. Since we were standing so close together, the cat was sort of laying on me too.

I let out a small 'aw' as I petted Tiger, "I didn't know you had a cat. He's so precious," I cooed, picking Tiger up with both hands as I rocked him like a little baby.

Alex stared at me for a bit after saying, "this is so fucking cute," in his deep voice.

I grinned as I peered at him through my eyelashes. His freckles were more noticeable up close. I liked looking at them.

He looked back at me and smiled, letting go of my waist and walking to sit in his swivel chair. I held onto Tiger as I walked next to Alex, pulling up a chair that was in the corner so I could sit down.

I heard several notifications coming from the computer, "uh, you're getting spammed on Discord," I said.

Alex stared at me in confusion as he tilted his head before realizing, "oh, that's just from my Discord server. I'm basically already used to the spam. But most of the time, the server's muted."

"You have a server?" I asked as i continued to pet Tiger.

Alex nodded, "it's from the whole YouTube thing. There's like 100,000 members currently. It's pretty epic."

I smiled, "I wanna join!"

Alex widened his eyes, "I don't think that's a good idea, habibi. A lot of the fans are sort of.....weird."

"What the fuck's a habibi," I asked.

Alex laughed, "don't worry about it."

I rolled my eyes, "anyways, Alex. I don't caarreee!! Lemme join!" I said as I pulled out my phone to join the server.

"Don't say I didn't warn you!" Alex said as he sent me a link.

I joined and immediately was spammed with messages talking about how hot Quackity was.

scarlet Today at 4:37 PM
hi guys im with quackity rn
yeah that's right...im special🙈

Alex looked at what I wrote through his computer as he groaned, "no one's gonna believe you, hermosa."

I laughed, "how the hell do I send pictures on here."

"You have to either have a certain score or be mod since a lot of new members just start trolling and sending super disgusting shit," Alex said.

I pouted, "make me mod, asshole."

"You know what, I'd love to but the thing is, I don't know how! Sucks," Alex slyly shrugged.

I loudly groaned as I reached over, made Alex move his hands from the computer, and then took over the mouse and keyboard. I clicked on the photo option and connected it to his webcam as I was then greeted with the both of us in the computer screen.

Alex groaned, "are you really about to send them a selfie."

I giggled, "mhm! Smile!" I said as I held a thumbs up and a large grin. Alex just rolled his eyes and then gave a small smile right after. He never smiled with teeth in any of his photos which made me sad cause I love his smile.

I took the photo as I then typed in chat through his account.

quackity Today at 4:42 PM
Look guys it's scarlet jajajajajaj i wasnt kidjing  i am with THE quaizckity amm i famsous yet i better gain 800 instagaram follwoers after this jajaja
*insert photo*

"I literally had a god damn STROKE trying to read that!" Alex screeched, pulling his beanie lower.

"Shut up! I suck at typing," I frowned.

The chat started to go even more crazy as they noticed Alex was online.

user 1 Today at 4:42 PM

user 2 Today at 4:42 PM

user 3 Today at 4:42 PM
omg quackity actually has a girl over

bruhe Today at 4:42 PM
bruhe moment

user 4 Today at 4:42 PM
r they dating aaaaa theyre so cute :')

user 5 Today at 4:42 PM
Who the fuck is scarlet 0_o

I giggled while reading through the chat. Some were compliments for me, jokes about Alex having a girlfriend, and just random bots spamming nonsense.

"You have so much power on here. Isn't that crazy to think all the 100,000 people are on here just to worship you," I said, scrolling through the different channels.

Alex smiled, "yeah, it's crazy to think about sometimes. Like, I'm just a regular 18 year old boy living in a bomb shelter in his parents' house.and everybody willingly accepts me for it. I have no idea how or why they all tune in to watch me. I'm incredibly grateful to have such a cool fanbase," he said as his smile turned more into an appreciative grin.

Alex truly was such a humble guy. He deserves so much happiness.

I leaned in and kissed his cheek, "you deserve it, mi amor [my love]."

His cheeks flushed a shade of bright red as he looked down and scratched the back of his neck with his hands, "thank you, mi vida [my life]. I am so fucking grateful for your support, I don't think you realize how much you mean to me."

I rested my head upon his shoulder as I closed my eyes and let the butterflies take over my body. I truly was so happy in this moment.


A/N: does anyone watch skeppy :o his videos have constantly been recommended to me and i finally caved in and watched them and like wow his content is genuinely SOOO funny i rly recommend u watch if u havent already

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