f o u r

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A/N: my family's outside lighting illegal fireworks rn but i went back inside cuz im not tryna support air pollution!


the party scene

Oh my god. Oh my god. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod.

I saw Alex's smile drop as his breathing hitched. All the girls in the circle were intensely staring at him as they waited to see who the lucky candidate was.

My stomach started to twist and turn into knots. Was this jealousy that I was feeling? Obviously, I knew Alex always had a small hatred for me—and I had one back. But lately, we've been seeing each other more recently and I've just started to feel a small attraction towards him. So yeah, maybe I was jealous.

I could tell Alex gave into the dare as he looked around at everyone in the circle. He stood up and walked towards my area. He was probably going for the girl next to me, right? Wrong.

Alex walked up to me.

It all happened so fast.

He went down on one knee, bent down to me, and grabbed my face in his hands. My eyes widened as I took in what he was doing. He started to lean in. His face was centimeters away from mine. And guess what I did.

I backed up.

"Alex," I whispered as I quickly stood up.

I noticed a look of pain and hurt written on his face.

Tears brimmed my eyes as I looked at everyone around me. They were staring at me. They were all staring at me to see how I'd react. My anxiety got the best of me and I just bolted out of there, not looking back.

I pulled the door opened and started to run when I realized no one could see me anymore. I ran about half a block until I knew no one would be able to find me.

I immediately fell against a lamppost as I hid my face in my hands and cried. I was being such a little bitch, I know. But when something like that just randomly happens out of the blue, I get overwhelmed with immense anxiety knowing everyone was watching me and expecting me to do something I wasn't comfortable yet.

Poor Alex. I can't believe I would put him through that. I wish I could just go up and make amends with him, but he probably doesn't wanna see me.


He had to kiss the hottest girl in the circle. And he kissed me. Does that mean he...

No, Scar. Snap out of it. I was probably the only girl "friend" he knew in that circle and just kissed me to not make it awkward with anyone else. Right?

I groaned in frustration as I could feel the time pass. No one was going to come looking for me, but that is alright. I don't need them to. Amelia is drunk and out of her god damn mind. She probably didn't even realize that I left. And Alex. There's no way he'd even spare me a glance now.

I took my head out of my hands as I observed the midnight sky. It didn't look like it was midnight. The sky still had a brightness to it. The moon was twinkling against the hundreds of stars in the sky. It twinkled like the light in Alex's eyes. It was beautiful.

As I stared at the sky and calmed down, I managed to remember what Alex's face up close looked like when he was about to kiss me.

He had freckles that dotted across his face. They made him look comforting and inviting. His eyes were a shade of dark brown but they were soft and would crinkle every time he smiled. And when he did smile his adorable grin, his eyes would smile with him. He has beautiful features—he's a very beautiful person. I loved just staring at him and admiring his face. I miss his warmth, right now.

I decided that sitting here moping wouldn't get me anywhere. I got up and dusted myself off, walking in the direction of my house. This probably wasn't safe considering the hour, but I was just so exhausted and defeated from the long night.

When I got home, I slowly closed the door just in case my mom was home and asleep, but I noticed the unorganized pillow that Amelia had accidentally thrown on the floor from earlier so I realized that my mom wasn't home yet. She's a clean freak—she would never allow a pillow to be messily thrown like that.

I groaned loudly as I took my shoes off and threw them near the door. I ran up to my room, changed into sweats, took my makeup off, and ran back downstairs. I hadn't eaten anything since lunch, so I was starving.

I was not as drunk as I was earlier, so I was fully capable of being home alone without anything happening.

Just kidding.

For some reason, in my drunk state, I had texted Alex.

I'm sorry alex

Oh my god. Why did I do that. Who let me do that. I closed my phone and threw it on the couch as I walked to the kitchen. I made myself grilled cheese (A/N: rip to quackity's grilled cheese) and ate it on the couch while watching the George Lopez show that occurred in the late hours.

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. My guilt took over any trace of sleepiness I could have. Tomorrow would be Saturday meaning I'd have to go a full weekend without being able to talk to Alex and apologize.

I sighed and shut off the TV. This show was boring. I guess I could just catch up on some YouTube videos.

Hey, who was the YouTuber Amelia mentioned to me again?


A/N: i don't think wattpad is even recommending my story anywhere omg this sucks :( i tried searching this up on the wattpad search bar but nothing came up???? so maybe thats why the reads r so little oof . im actually putting so much effort into this book but wattpad dont give a FUCK lol! whatever! im still enjoying writing this so idc if no one even sees it

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