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A/N: at first i wanted this story to do good but i guess in the moment i forgot who quackity's fanbase consisted of lmao . most of them are judgmental as HELL and i only realized that after spending a few days in his discord server


the post-party scene

No, I never managed to watch YouTube videos. When I was just about to type 'quackity' into the search bar, I had gotten a Discord call from my friend Ani the night of the incident.

"Hey bitch," I immediately said after picking up.

What I hadn't realized was that we weren't alone. This was a group call with one other person I hadn't known, but the server itself probably consisted of at least 10 people.

"Hey girlie," a deep voice replied but in a higher pitched tone.

I could hear Ani laugh as she said, "Aksel, shut the hell up."

"Oops, sorry. I didn't know this was a group call," I giggled.

I could hear the smile in Ani's voice, "it's fine! I don't think you've met any of them before but it's just Aksel in the call for now. Quackity should be here too but I think he's busy."

Quackity. What a coincidence.

"He busy gettin' LIT!" Aksel replied in his sarcastic voice.

"Hi Aksel, I'm Scarlet," I introduced, "so...what are we doing?"

"Oh!" Ani remembered, "I was going to ask you if you wanted to play Roblox with us," she asked.

I grinned, "yeah lemme just pull it up on my computer first."

I launched the game as I waited for it to load.

We had been playing Roblox for at least two hours now. I swear, this was probably the most I've ever laughed before. Aksel's witty humor against Ani's motherly figure was the absolute best.

As we were playing, there was a text that popped up in the discord chat.

quackity Today at 3:12 AM
what the hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so sad gamers

"What happened to him?" Aksel asked as he replied in the chat.

aksel Today at 3:12 AM
what's up?? :o

quackity Today at 3:13 AM
girls suck! high school sucks! ppl suck!!!!! this is why i'm dating thanos because he wouldn't hurt my feelings

ani Today at 3:13 AM
quackity what the hell happened dude

quackity Today at 3:14 AM
a girl broke my heart // streaks 😔 dont hmu only real ones know 😔😔

Aksel let out a low whistle, "so apparently he isn't getting lit."

I stayed silent during this entire ordeal considering Quackity and I didn't know each other that well and he probably wouldn't want some random girl intruding on his heartbreak.

"He seems really down," Ani said as I could hear the sadness in her voice.

"Ask him to join the call so we can try and cheer him up," I suggested.

ani Today at 3:16 AM
join. call. now.

A couple minutes after that text, Quackity joined.

"This shit sucks, ya know! One minute, a girl is making a move on you and giving you a signal but then the next, she completely shatters your fucking heart! And to think, I was practically falling in LOVE with her! It's great, absolutely great, my friends," Quackity immediately said.

The person had sounded familiar but without being able to put a face to the voice plus the quality of his cheap mic, I couldn't make out who it was.

"Girls suck, man, but you can't let that ruin your night. You were supposed to have fun, Quackity, not mope around over someone who probably was just using you for their own personal benefits," Aksel responded, trying to console his friend.

Damn, they sure were going off. I wonder who the unlucky girl is that's being dragged to Hell and back like this.

"Yeah—wait, hold up. Who's the other person in here?" Quackity interrupted himself as he noticed me in the call, being silent as ever.

"Uh, hi," I shyly responded, not knowing how to introduce myself at such a dark time.

Ani quickly replied, "Quackity, this is Scarlet. She was in the call playing Roblox with us before you joined."

I could hear Quackity murmur my name under his breath in confusion as he then snapped out of it and said hi back.

"Do you want ice cream, Alex. I'll Postmates' you something right now, free of charge," Aksel said as he continued to help his friend.

So his name's Alex, too. What a coincidence, huh.

"Yeah man and can you throw in a new microphone just for the heck of it," Quackity joked as his voice became deeper.

Aksel laughed, "anything for you," he paused as he typed some things in, "where do you live again?"

"[insert address in Mexico]" Quackity said nonchalantly.

Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. What the fuck. At first I thought Quackity having a familiar voice was just a coincidence. And then him being named Alex was just a coincidence too. But now his address is near my house and is in my city. How did I never fucking realize that Quackity is Alex.

I panicked and left the call.


A/N: i might be seeing all of them at the vidcon meetup since the meetup spot is 12 mins from my house :D but only if my friend decides to go with me tho ....bc if she doesnt,,,,,,then i aint going alone lmfao

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