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the confession scene

I was currently cleaning my room by shoving all my dirty clothes under the bed and any random junk into the closet. My childhood best friend, Taylor, who had to moved to New York when we were younger, was finally coming back to Mexico to visit her family and friends. We were friends for 6 years before she had to move, but we still kept in touch every once in awhile.

She was about to come over so we could hang out, and my room was an absolute disaster.

Since my parents were never home, I always had to cook and clean for myself but the cleaning part was deemed as unnecessary by myself because of my laziness.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

My head perked up as I ran down the spiral staircase and opened the door.

Of course, Taylor in all of her beauty was standing in front of me.

She was always the prettiest in school. All the boys loved her and all the girls wished to be her. As for me? I envied her. I know it isn't good to envy your best friend, but she had taken everything from me simply because she had the power to. When I had a crush on Christopher Martinez in 4th grade, I told Taylor my secret and she immediately went to go talk to him. One week later, they could be found holding hands and stealing cheek kisses in the back of the school. I was livid. I cried for two days straight.

I pushed the thought out of my mind as I gave Taylor a big smile. We quickly pulled each other into a hug as she shrieked, "SCARLET, BABY! I've missed youuuu!" She said while chewing her gum right into my ear.

Besides all of her annoying qualities, she was still a kind hearted person as I just smiled and replied, "Taylor! It's seriously been too long since we've last seen each other."

We released from the hug as she tucked my hair behind my ears and gave me a motherly smile, "now let's get inside and catch up, yeah?" She asked as I led her in.

"The 'rents aren't home as usual," I said as I showed her around.

"This house is just like how I remembered it," she said, reminiscing on all the past years we spent here.

I noticed a change in her voice as I asked, "did you already develop the New Yorker accent?" I teased.

She laughed as she fluffed her blonde hair up, "being surrounded by heavy New York accents all day really changed me, Birdie. Speaking of Birdie, does Amelia still call you by that? It's a cute nickname."

I rolled my eyes and fell on the couch, "yeah, Mel calls me by that every chance she gets. It's such a childish name," I whined.

Taylor laughed as her posture stayed upright on the couch, "please, we all told you that climbing on top of that tree to try and pick up the bird from its nest wasn't gonna be a good idea. When you do the tomfoolery, the tomfoolery comes back to bite, Birdie," she joked as we both laughed.

"I missed ya," Taylor said to me after a moment of silence.

I gave her a genuine smile, "it's been hard without you. Amelia still involves you in our conversations as if you're still here."

Taylor lightly slapped me on the arm, "I'm not dead, psycho!" She said to lighten the mood.

I laughed as I threw my head back, "you know what I mean!"

After another silence, Taylor then asked, "so, you got a boyfriend, yet? Or a girlfriend."

My mind immediately jumped to a certain beanie wearing boy as I shook the thought out of my mind, "nope," I popped the 'p.'

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