t w e l v e

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A/N: do yall know any underrated quackity fanfics with like less than 2k reads and also has a decent amount of chapters??? :( ive basically read all the popular ones already and am in dire need of new ones


the boy's bedroom scene

I internally panicked as Alex looked at the stream too.

He let out a dry chuckle as he just said, "whoops. Sorry habibis," and then quickly ended the stream.

Alex abruptly stood up and yelled out a couple of profanities as he hit his chair, making me jump a bit.

I got up and wrapped my arms around his waist, "shh, it's okay Alex," I tried comforting him, not really knowing what to say.

In all honesty, I didn't think our 'relationship' getting out there would have been a big deal. But I guess to him, it was.

Alex pulled his beanie off as he messed with his hair in frustration, "you don't get it, mi cielito. Once the fans see us together, you'll start getting insane amounts of hate and gross comments. I don't want that for you. I don't want to see you hurt," he said, concern laced in his voice.

I held his face in my hands as I lightly caressed his cheek, "it's okay, Alex. I'm a tough girl, I can handle hate."

Alex shook his head as he furrowed his eyebrows, "but then also our relationship is going to be broadcasted for the entire internet to judge and that worries me because if we were to ever break up, we'd have to do it publicly for everyone to see. That scares me, hermosa," he responded, looking down at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Alex, nothing has to be public if you don't want it to be, my love. Yeah, whatever happened just happened, but that could be the only thing that happens. We don't have to share anything to anyone if we don't want to," I told him, kissing his cheek.

He lightly smile as he nodded in defeat, "you're right, Scarlet. You always are," he smiled.

I grinned, "now let's get some ice cream!"

We sat at the tables outside of the ice cream shop. Alex was sitting in front of me with his cookie dough ice cream and I had my mint chocolate chip.

"I don't get how you like mint ice cream, it literally tastes like toothpaste. Like just go brush your teeth, nerd," Alex teased, taking some of mine to try.

"Hey! Mint chocolate chip is the best! The chocolate chips are what ties the whole flavor together though. I wouldn't be able to eat normal mint," I defended.

I leaned over and got a small spoonful of Alex's to try. He looked at me, expecting my review.

I shrugged, "meh," I simply said.

Alex gaped in offense as we both just ended up laughing.

Suddenly, I got a text on my phone. I checked who it was from as the bolded text showed "Amelia."

Amelia (bitch)
uhhhhh wtf!!!??

scar, check twitter . like Now.

Scarlet are u there please this is URGENT check twitter. ur blowing up

what?????? checking rn

"Uh oh," I quietly whispered, leaving the messages app to check Twitter.

"What's wrong, baby?" Alex asked me in worry.

Obviously, I was way too distressed to even notice him calling me 'baby.'

"Mel told me I was blowing up on Twitter," I uneasily replied as I bit my lip.

Alex widened his eyes as he quickly pulled out his phone to check.

And Mel was right. Because right when I opened Twitter, I was hit with the '20+' notifications symbol which I rarely ever got considering I wasn't famous or had funny tweets.

I opened my notifications and scrolled through the numerous accounts mentioning me. Coincidentally, they all had their profile pictures of Quackity.

I groaned as I read through everything.

user 1 @user1
are @QuackityHQ and @sc4rlet actually dating wtf??
user 2 @user2
i heard from someone that she was just using him for fame oop 😳
user 3 @user3
really? scarlet didn't look like that type of person. but i mean, i wouldnt be surprised since shes kinda irrelevant
user 4 @user4
I go to school with her lol. Trust me, she IS that type of person

I furrowed my eyebrows as I read through the thread. Why was everyone ganging up on my all of a sudden?

I looked up at Alex as I saw him read through his phone with his fists balled and his eyes fiery.

I leaned over to rest my hand over Alex's, "it's okay, Alex. It isn't the end of the world," I comforted him, even though I was super anxious.

Alex shook his head, "no, Scar! I'm not gonna keep letting you tell me it's okay when I'm literally looking at everything blow up in our faces! This hate is just gonna keep getting worse if we don't mention anything to them," Alex angrily said.

I made his fists loosen up as I snaked my hand into his warm one.

"I like you, Alex. A lot. And I'm not gonna let some fan accounts get in the way of that," I said, looking up at him with tired eyes.

Alex sighed as he rested his head in his other hand, "I don't deserve you at all, hermosa."

I smiled, "but now you're stuck with me."

"That's the best thing I've heard all year."


A/N: i upload so fricken much lmaoaoaoo

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