Dinner = Chaos

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"Kong ..." called the spoiled female voice.  Apparently the woman is Star, Kongpop couple at Jurit night.

Star could not take the opportunity to spread her charm that night because Kongpop ran away after hearing that there were two people who had fainted.

"Hi Star ..." Em said.  Beautiful women greet you, must reply.

"Hai Em ..." Star answered with the sweetest smile.

"Looking for Kong?"

"Hm ..." Star approached the Kongpop table.  "Kong, today I'm my birthday, I want to treat you to a sushi restaurant. You want to come right?"  The whole class has ears to hear Kongpop reactions including Tutah and you know who (Arthit).

"Where ?"  Ask Kongpop.  The whole class was shocked but no one dared to look at them.  On the one hand they are curious why Kongpop reacts like that, on the other hand they also know that Star is an influential person at this university and they don't want to get into trouble.

"At the restaurant XXX .."

"I'm not invited?"  whinny Em.

"Hahaha ..." Star beautiful laugh.  "Of course you can, Kong friends are my friends too. You may come."  For the sake of approaching Kongpop, she need help from Kongpop friends.  Think of this as a strategy.

"Thanks, pretty ..." Em teased, who got a blow from Wad.

"Flirty!"  Wad quip him.

Arthit who heard Kongpop agreed as if standing on embers.  His heart is not calm.  Jealous and scared too.

May Kong not be tempted ...

May Kong not be tempted ...

He just tempting by me ...

Arthit again cast spells he believed to reject negative energy.

After the lesson ...

"Come on Kong ..." Em said excitedly, the bag he had slung and prepared to leave.


Kongpop runs close to riot trios namely Arthit, Tutah and Rome.

"You guys come along ..." said Kongpop short and flat.


"Can we come?"

"Hm ..."

"Yeayy ... eat for free ..." he said excitedly, rather saving his allowance at the middle of the month.  While Arthit popped up.

"Take care of your expre ..." Rome warned Arthit expression that was not pleasant in the eyes.

"Are they coming?"  ask Em.  Isn't what Star meant about Kongpop friends only him and Wad.

Rome, which had no intention, now felt being challenged.  "We're coming! Why? Is Kong friend just you?"

"Yeah ... Stepmother, every word that comes out of your mouth is poisonous!"  Rid Em.

"It's still better than the butcher!"  Reply Rome.

"Enough! Enough, you don't make a fuss cause me ..." said Tutah who was pretentious sweetest ...

"NOISY / BREATH!"  Em and Rome said in unison.

"Let's go ..." asked Wad.  Arthit is still lured by Rome.

"I'm behind you ..." entertained Rome.

"Thanks ..." said Arthit unenthusiastically.

"Listen my student!"  Tutah began giving teachings.  "If you are dealing with an angel, you must be an angel, if you are dealing with a demon you must become a devil, especially when dealing with a demon woman. You must be a grandmother demon."

"Why grandma?"

"Because the grandmothers are more chatty than young women."  What's this theory ??  🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️.

"Do you want to come or not?"  Call Em who can't wait.



When at a sushi restaurant ...

Star was surprised to see many people who came including the troublemaker between him and Kongpop.  Arthit and Tutah.  Two people who fainted only because of night curses.  A coward over a girl.

Even though she didn't like it, Star still showed a sweet smile.

"Sorry, Star too many people ..." Em said, uneasy.

"It's okay, more crowded is more exciting."  Answer Star.

More exciting if I'm alone with Kongpop ... - Star.

"Please, sit."  Star pulled Kongpop sitting next to him and Arthit also didn't want to lose sitting next to Kongpop.

"Order what you want to eat."  The order is clear.  Where others are still shy, Arthit, Tutah and Rome (in support for Arthit) order on a large scale.  The goal is for Star to bite the finger aka bankrupt.

Poor people do not know themselves, have never eaten good like it.  Their smell has become air pollution - Star.

Feel it!  Let you go bankrupt!  - Arthit.

After ordering lightning for 5 minutes, with a list of orders that might be 30 cm long.

10 minutes later food begins to arrive one by one.  Because star wants to attract the attention of Kongpop, he starts a caring attitude which is favored by men.

"Eat this, Kong ... this is delicious."  Star said putting sushi ebi on Kongpop plates.

"Sorry, Kong is allergic to shrimp."  Arthit said putting back ebi sushi from Kongpop plates.

"Hey ..." Star protested.

Chopsticks Em fell on his plate.  "How do you know Kong alegi shrimp?"  Em only found out about Kongpop allergy after being friends for 2 years.  Arthit, who had only known a few months, found out.

"EHHH ??? Are you serious about shrimp allergies?"  Tutah said in shock.  How can Arthit know?

"Hm .."

"What! Holy shit! Arthit says where do you know?" Ask Tutah.

"Kongpop told you?"  Ask Rome.  Star is also curious.


"Then ?"  They asked in unison waiting for an answer from Arthit.

"This is the power of love ... hehehe ..."

Chopsticks began to fly towards Arthit.  More precisely, they pelted Arthit with chopsticks.

"Kong ..." Arthit pulled the Kongpop body to protect him.

"You ... fell in love with Kong?"  Accuse Star with a look of disgust and disbelief.

"Yeah, is something wrong with that?"  Thanks to Tutah teachings, Arthit became bolder in facing Star.

"But you ... man."

"Then why? I am a cute man who has become famous throughout the sky. Beautiful is more than a girl, sexy is more than a woman. Moreover, only I understand Kongpop. The proof is only I know that he is allergic to shrimp."

"Really shameless!"  This time Star was really upset.

"Listen, star! My cute face exceeds the cuteness of the face of a rainy kitten or a puppy who asks for food. Who will reject a child as cute as me? Whereas you are just beautiful. Not more. Besides that there is nothing interesting."

"ENOUGH!"  Star is angry.  "YOU'RE LOOKING ON IT NOW!"  Star leaves them.  Arthit smiled with satisfaction, he won.

"Wait..!"  Tutah said seriously.  "Who is the one who pays for food?"  Initially the one who wanted to treat them was Star but she left.  Then who pays for the food?

"Of course Arthit, he made Star leave."  Propose Em.

"Eh ... can't do that ..." said Arthit.

"Who agrees Arthit is paying?"  All hands raised including Kongpop.

Oo God ... please save my wallet 😭😭😭 ...

July 19, 2019

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