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the quiz period has passed, 2 weeks the soldiers' struggle has been completed, just waiting for the announcement of the result.

"Excuse me ma'am, we ask permission to make an announcement."  One of the seniors dressed in maroon went into class.

"Is it time?"  Asked Jane.  The senior nodded.

"OK come in."  Mrs. Jane invited the seniors in, they were 7 people and all of them wore the same uniform.  Maroon red.

"Good morning juniors!"  The senior said loudly.

"Good morning, seniors!"  The junior answers were in unison.

"Harder! Good morning, juniors!"


"Good! The quiz period has finished, we held a gathering this weekend. To foster a sense of togetherness and cooperation, all of you must participate without exception. Those who do not participate will be punished. Friday at 4 pm gather in the field. We will go to the mountain  Prepare your equipment well. Do you understand? "


"You form groups, each group consists of 4 people. You set your own group members, if anyone does not have a group, they will be combined into one group. You ..." the senior pointed to Rome.  "Collect a group list and give it to me today. I wait until 5pm."

"Ok Phi ..." Rome looked at the senior.  Pretty handsome.  There were sparks in Tutah eyes.

"Then, excuse us, ma'am. Thank you for the time."  The seniors said goodbye and the lesson was immediately continued.


"Rome ... we are a group right?"  Asked Arthit spoiled.  He wants one group with Rome and Tutah, the other students hate him because they are Kongpop fans.  They just have to find one more person, it's better if Kongpop wants to join the group.

"Okay."  Just as Arthit was grinning happily, it just broke away due to the arrival of two people.

"Hi Khaw * ..." said Em.

(Khaw means white in Thai)

"Huh?"  Arthit and his best friend were confused.  The choice is only Arthit and Rome, because Tutah skin is not white, aka little black.

"Khaw, join our group."  Invite Em without asking for approval.

"To ... what group ...?"  Arthit became nervous when intimidated like this.  Wad pulled the collar of Arthit shirt and dragged it towards Kongpop.

"One, two, three, four. Our group is complete."  Wad said pointing to himself, Kongpop, Em and Arthit.

"Huh?"  Arthit shock.  What does this mean?

"I ... I ..." Arthit bit his lips nervously.

"Listen Khaw, you're our choice. You can't refuse. Or your college will be not quiet for 4 years."

"Wh ... why me?"

"Because you are as crazy as us."  Answer Em.  Is this praise or insult?

"B ... but ... I'm with Rome."  Arthit gave a reason, It is true that he likes a group with Kongpop but that if Kongpop is withdrawn to his group, it is not he who is drawn to the Kongpop group.

"Rome ... can you choose another group?"  Wad asked shouting.

"No problem."  Answer Rome ignorant.

"See ... is there a problem now?"  Em is increasingly intimidating Arthit.  Arthit shook his head nervously.

"Okay. The problem is over."

Arthit returned to his seat, he protested to Rome.

"Why do you agree?"  ask Arthit was annoyed.

"Stupid! This is your chance to approach Kongpop. I'm just giving you a chance."

"But I'm afraid of them, I just dare to be with Kongpop."

"I don't think they will hurt you. Even they look fierce."

"Are you sure?"   Arthit hesitated.

"Hm .."

"You make me jealous Arthit? I want to be in their group."  Tutah said jealously.  "If you're afraid, change positions with me."  Proposed Tutah.

"Do not want!"


Friday, 4 pm

Junior students have gathered in the field, except Kongpop groups.  Only Arthit has just arrived.  The seniors have called to get on the bus.

Where are they?  Why hasn't come yet?

I don't have their telephone number.

Soon the bus will go.

"Sorry Phi ... my group hasn't arrived yet."  Arthit said approaching the senior group leader.

"What group are you in?"

"Number 6 Phi."

"Kongpop group?"  Arthit nodded.  The senior chairman looked at Arthit from top to bottom.  Arthit looked nervous like that.

"W ... what's Phi?"

"No."  The senior chairman smiled.  "Kongpop carries his own car, your group will not join the bus. It will be too noisy too much to seduce Kongpop. Do you have a Kongpop phone number?"  Arthit shook his head.

The senior chairman wrote on a paper and tore it up.  "This is a Kongpop phone number, you can contact him directly. Ask when he will arrive."  The senior chairman patted Arthit head gently.

This feeling ... dejavu ...

The bus had left Arthit alone with two carry bags.  He grabbed his cellphone and entered the Kongpop telephone number then called him.

Trtt ... trtt ...

The telephone number you are calling is busy, please try again later.

Arthit tried again.

The telephone number you are calling is busy, please try again later.

Shit!  Where is he ?

10 minutes Arthit waits but there are no signs of the arrival of Kongpop and his friends.

"Khaw !!"  Without turning around, Arthit already knew who called him.  Em, Kongpop friend.  Only he called Arthit like that.

"You're late."

"Sorry ... sorry ... I overslept."  There was no bullying aura.  Strange.  Thought Arthit.

"Depart soon."  Wad said, still as scary as usual.  Em walks after Wad back to the car.  Arthit was just about to take his carry bag but the bag had already been transferred to Kongpop.

Arthit smiled.

Turns out he's nice 😁😁 ..

10 July 2019

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