First Kiss

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Note from Zyzy:

During this time, Zyzy doesn't want to set the rules, but it seems that must have to set the rules to avoid bad moods.

A simple rule is only 1, namely:

Don't comments using capslock. The reason:

1. Impressed hard and imposes will.
2. As far as Zyzy, the ethics of writing if with a capslock indicates a negative emotion and it's not good to read.

Honestly you are asking for the next chap, Zyzy still responds politely or with joking. But if Zyzy read comments using capslock, it makes Zyzy feel forced and make me bad mood. So for the sake of mutual convenience, please follow this rule.

If there are still violations, sorry your account will be zyzy block.

This is not insinuating anyone, just asking for each other self-awareness.

Schedule up for FF is every morning Monday - Friday. How come the weekend isn't up? Zyzy also needs social life besides writing.

Zyzy is not a professional writer, only someone who likes to write about peraya idol. Zyzy appreciates you peraya readers, so please appreciate Zyzy too.

Thanks all.

Lets enjoy reading ...

they arrived in Kanchanaburi at 8pm, where the students immediately set up tents because it was dark. Each group shares their duties, some set up tents and some cook for dinner because it is past dinner hour.

Em, Wad and Arthit have the task of setting up tents, while Kongpop has the task of providing dinner.

"Pull over there," Wad said, giving a briefing. Put sticks in small tent holes one by one.

"Plug the pegs." Wad once again gave the order, Em and Arthit in charge of the right-hand post while Wad was in charge of the left stake.

"Arthit tie the rope!"

"Em, take the second layer!"

"Hold tight!"

"Not that one. That's a stupid side!"

"Fuck! This is the wrong tie!"

After barbaric vows and orders, the tent finally stood firmly. Thirsty, tired and hungry mixed together. They want to eat now.

"Kong! Where is the food?" Asked Em annoyed, Kongpop just sat quietly from when they installed the tent until now. The fragrance of the dishes from other groups tempts their sense of smell.

Krucukk ... krucuk ... their stomachs have screamed.

Hearing that Kongpop group had no food, Kongpop fans immediately brought their dishes to be handed over to Kongpop. Arthit saliva was about to fall and drip and smell the aroma and see the food brought by Kongpop fans.

"Kong ... this is stir fried vegetable ..."

"This pork rib is good ..."

"The curry rice smells tempting ..."

"Kong, this is the fruit for you ..."

There was no response from Kongpop, even Wad and Em who were starving also did not dare to receive food from them if Kongpop did not receive it.

"Arthit, this is for you ..." Rome brings fried rice to Arthit. Rome doesn't care about Arthit group, they want to starve or not it's none of their business.

"Accept ..." Arthit was pulled by Em. "Don't accept!"

"Hey! Why can't he accept it? He's hungry!" Rome protest What does Em want?

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