Uninvited guests

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Double up
For you readers who are obedient and sweet and uwuuu ...

"Arthit ... Arthit ..." a soft call rang out in Arthit ears who was fast asleep, he felt amused when there was air that greeted his sensitive ears.

"Wake up dear ..." Although lazy, Arthit tried to open his eyes and was surprised, Kongpop was in front of him, moreover Kongpop position was on him.

"Er ... Kong, what are you doing?"  ask Arthit half of his soul was still floating in the dream world.  Instead of answering, Kongpop instead smiled sexy, he rubbed Arthit lower lip.

"This mischievous lips who quietly kissed me ..." Kongpop licked Arthit lower lip, then muttered softly.  Arthit entire body tensed and trembled.  His heart worked 10 times faster than usual, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"Kong ... why are you?"  Arthit tried to talk.

"You kiss me secretly right?"  Arthit shook his head, embarrassed to find out.  Kongpop rubbed the corner of Arthit lips with his thumb then licked Arthit lower lip.

"Not you?"  Arthit nodded.  Kongpop wants to get up but hold Arthit.

"Where are you going ?"

"Punishing the person who kissed me."

Arthit hesitated for a moment but saw Kongpop want to get up from his position, with his legs he held Kongpop.

"That person is me ..." Arthit answer unraveled his own secret (-.-), he licked his lips and pouted his own lips as a sign that he was ready.

Kongpop narrows the distance, Arthit closes his eyes and ...



"WTF! Don't disturb my dream !!"  Arthit screamed absentmindedly, he jumped up with annoyance, more exciting - he wanted to bite, even bothered by the sound of the shrill whistle.

"Sorry ..." said Arthit unpleasantly looked at by the three men in the same tent.

The morning whistle woke up the students who were still sleeping, the seniors hit the pot with shrill voices in each tent, not to mention the deafening microphone.


One by one the students came out of their tents.  The faces of the pillows were printed on each of their faces.

"Have you all gathered?"  Asked the senior leader named Bright.

"Rome, check if all the new students are here!"  Rome counts one by one, their number must be complete, which is 104 people.

"All here Phi ..." Rome gave a report.

"Good! Are you still sleepy?"

"No phi ..." their answers were not compact and not hard.  Obviously they were still tired and sleepy, except for Arthit who had been smiling since he woke up.



"Great! You give 2 hours to take a shower and eat, after that we go hiking to the waterfall."


"YOU WANT TO PROTES !!"  The new student fell silent.  They hope someone will rebel here until the hiking is canceled but in vain, no one has opened the voice including Kongpop.


All dispersed, ran to their respective places.  There are those who go directly to the bathroom, some cook, some are stunned or do nothing like the Arthit group.

"Er ... aren't we taking a shower?"  Ask Rome.

"I'm still cute even if I don't take a shower."  Arthit said proudly.

"Too narcissistic."  Rome pinched Arthit chubby cheeks.

"Isshh Release, that hurt Rome" moan Arthit.

"What do you eat?"  Even though Rome was fierce, he remained attentive.  Indeed yesterday the pizza was delivered, but it's still early, 6 am.  Nothing is open this morning.

"Instant noodles ?"  Arthit said.

"No way!"  Suggestion Arthit was rejected outright.


WTF !!!  Sandwiches delivered this morning?  Kongpop is cool 👍👍 ...

"Eat!"  Like yesterday, one word from Kongpop, the others immediately invaded the food.

I'm lucky in this group - I'm happy Arthit ...


Klek ...

Papa opened the door sluggishly, only when Arthit left for a day felt like a year.  He was not used to not seeing Arthit at home.  Laughter and even the silence is used to decorate the emptiness of this house.

His favorite toddler Arthit.

Arthit that gives him the passion for life.

Arthit that helps forget someone he wants to forget.

Arthit Papa most valuable treasure.

Papa bowed sluggishly on the sofa, did not intend to turn on the lights or TV.  Just sitting pensive in the dark.

Damn you whore!!

How much is your price?

I don't want your child, your child to be sick, dirty and disgusting !!

We're divorced !!

He'd better die than he embarrass me !!

Flashes of past memories that stimulate pain spread throughout papa heart.  Pressure for pressure at that time made him really stressed, insulted, insulted and even violent made him want to commit suicide.

But where there is darkness, there is also a light called hope.  The light is Arthit.  for papa.

Because of Arthit, he became strong.  Because Arthit needs him.

Tok ... tok ... tok ...

The sound of knocking on the door interrupted papa daydream.  He deliberately ignored him, then the guest left.  No guest came to this house.  Aside from keeping it a secret from outside, he lived quite a bit with Arthit without interruption.

The sound of the knock on the door was still heard, it seemed like the guest who came was stubborn.  It's been knocked 5x but he doesn't want to leave.  Usually if 3x beats are not answered, then the guest thinks that the homeowner is out.

Who's coming?

"Who ?"  papa shouted from inside.  Reluctantly he rose from the couch.


"Auch ..." a hand pushed the door against his forehead when he had just opened it and closed it again and locked it, he even took the key to the door.

"Finally, I found you Beam ..."


Yeahh ... finally found out the name of papa Arthit.

So?  not curious anymore right , hahaha ...

11 July 2019

13. BE MY LOVER, PLEASE 😁😁Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon