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Sasuke's POV:

As we reached the Uchiha Manor, I can't stop myself from thinking about the incident earlier. I can't stop from looking at those sexy curves that was embedded in the towel. Although the towel was thin, I can't resist to look at know...

She's so beautiful. She's not even seducing me to do it, but...heck! I think I'm falling for her looks. Then I snapped out of my thoughts when Sakura called me.

"Is there something wrong Sasuke? We've been here in this spot for awhile already." She asked a little bit worried in her tone.

"Nothing...I was just... thinking of something. That's all." I said hoping for her to give in my reasoning. I drove inside the compound and parked it.

"Are you sure?" I just gave a nod. "Well, if that's the case." But before I could even step out of the car and head to my room, I was again stopped in my tracks.

"Sasuke..." I turned to her. "If you were thinking about the incident a while ago, don't bother. If you're also thinking that I meaned it, well, really I didn't. I just forgot that you were there..." she trailed off her sentence.

"It's okay. And as for me, sorry again if I just pulled you to my bed..." I said as I looked down.

"No it's okay. That's always the reaction of men when they see me almost naked. They always think I'm ready to do it. Actually, I'm still a virgin you know." I can't believe she's saying this to me. Is she saying that, if I did it earlier, I was her first? Well, it's okay because she's also my first if you would think of it.

"Uhm... well, c'mon. I'll show you to your room." I managed to say and before she could even get her back from the back seat, I grabbed it. As a gentleman, I need to escort the lady. I was taken aback when I stepped out of my car and only heard mere silence. "What happened here?" Sakura also asked a bit confused by the sudden silence in the compound.

But before I could even reply to her question, we heard a loud shot of a gun coming from the inside. I rushed to see if everything was okay but there before the stairs, a man clad in black, holding a gun that was aimed in front of him. I looked to where the gun was pointed and saw a maid lying down on the floor.

I noticed Sakura rushed to my side. I even noticed her eyes getting big as she saw the horrific scene. She suddenly dropped down onto her knees, covered her face with her hands and began to sob. I remembered her past. Maybe we have the same experience of how the most important people in out lives died.

I dropped down beside to comfort her. Caressing her back as a sign of comfort but not leaving my eyes of the person who's back is faced to us.

I know who he is...

"Show you face to me Itachi..."I said challenging the person.

"Damn little brother. Do you want to be together with mom and dad?" he said as he face us and had a sly smile plastered on his lips. I pocketed my hands and looked for my phone. I began to send a message for Kakashi and tell them that their target was there.

I faced Sakura and said, "Sakura, use my car and drive to your headquarters tell them the target is here. Okay?" I looked at her emerald eyes which were threatened by painful tears. I handed her the car keys and she nodded and took it. Before Itachi could even point to her his gun, I blocked his way.

"The fight is between us." I said as I activated my Sharingan. I slowly and surely took out my gun from the holster.

"So? Protecting your little girlfriend out there? Hahaha... Silly love" He said as he pointed to me his gun. He began to pull the trigger.



Sakura's POV:

I was driving along the long highway to go to BT HQ. I suddenly got a glimpse of something familiar in my left. It was Kakashi's car alright. 'Good' I thought as it means a lot of help for Sasuke.


I can't help but thought of what happened earlier. I can't take it off my mind...

How he kissed me passionately...

How he kissed me aggressively...

How I struggled beneath him...

How I moaned...

How I felt liking it...

How I felt liking him...

There's nothing special that happened between the two of us... But I really feel close to him... Could it be...?

Oh I think of crappy things! I turned the wheel to the right and reached the compound. I turned off the engine and ran down to inform Tsunade-sama and Kurenai-san. I looked for them and saw then having a meeting in our own headquarters.

"Tsunade-sama,... Kurenai-san..."I frantically said while panting.

"What happened to you?" Tsunade asked me having a worried look on her face. Kurenai-san led me to a chair and to breathe in for the moment and rest.

"Sasuke is in trouble. The target, Uchiha Itachi, is in his house right now!" I said, I can't stop the tears run down my cheeks. I got worried because we have become closer and he let me leave him there... alone... to fight for his brother who looking for the death of his little brother.

"Sakura! Why did you leave him alone? You could have called us or what. C'mon girls, we need to go there." Tsunade stood and halted the girls to change to their outfit. I left mine with Sasuke. Tenten grabbed my wrist and told me she will lend hers to me.

We changed into an all black, whole body outfit. Its has a sleek black color that fits its shiny tone. It was a long sleeved one that becomes a glove when it reaches the end. It has the boots attached to it. For short, we look like catwoman except for the headgear. We don't have any. It shows our curves perfectly. We look like superheroes instead of assassins.


Normal POV:

They headed towards the car. Sakura still rode Sasuke's car together with Kurenai and Hinata, while Tsunade got to their own car and rode with Tenten and Ino. They raced towards the Uchiha manor.

As they reached the manor and parked inside, they saw Kakashi's car parked near the front door. They went down and heard agonizing yells that came from the house. Sakura rushed inside followed by the rest.

Sakura suddenly stopped when she saw the horrific scene before her eyes. She saw the bodies of Sasuke, Kakashi, Neji, Naruto, Shikamaru shot. They all stooped behind Sakura and saw wide eyes what happened. Sakura rushed by their side trying to heal their wounds using her healing ability.

"Sakura! Stop!" Sasuke shouted at the rushing girl towards him. But suddenly, Itachi threw a few kunais and shrunken to her direction.

"Sakura are you insane!" Kurenai shouted at Sakura as she still rushed towards Sasuke and the others. But, the thrown kunais and shrunken were only just distraction. Itachi suddenly jumped and kidnapped the rushing Sakura.

"Nooo...!" Sasuke shouted at Itachi who suddenly vanished in thin air.

"Sakura..." was the only thing he could say before loosing his consciousness.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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