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Normal POV:

Tsunade knocked on the brown, walnut door.

"Come in." they heard a muffled voice. Tsunade opened the door and went inside. They scattered around near the door with Tsunade in front.

Ino being the first one who noticed Sasuke instantly fell in love and became one of Sasuke's fan girls. Ino whispered to Sakura

"Hey Saku-chan, look at that guy. The one with raven hair and eyes. He's so..."

"Cute?..." Sakura finished for her. A sudden crimson color involuntarily swept across Ino's lovely face.

"As always..." Sakura said as she rolled her eyes. "It's good we're at the back of Tsunade or else..." But even before she could even finish her sentence she heard someone shout.

"Hey boys! Get out of the couch and assist these ladies to sit!" It was a silver-gray haired man who growled at the boys who were sitting in the couch.

"Yes Kakashi-san!" They all bolted up and assisted each lady. Kakashi assisted Tsunade to sit in the conference chair near the desk. Neji assisted Tenten to sit. As for Naturo, he was mesmerized by Hinata's eyes that were white-lavender. Shikamaru assisted Ino, but Ino insisted Sasuke to assist her. But to her surprise, Sasuke was already assisting Sakura to the couch. As she saw this horrific scene, she just stopped away and assisted herself to the couch sitting in between Hinata and Tenten.

Kakashi handed Tsunade a folder which contains their missions and assassin pairings.

"We will first introduce our assassins." Tsunade announced to all of them. "Tenten you start."

Tenten nodded with agreement. "I'm Tenten...aka Bloody Dragon."

"Yamanaka Ino...aka Bloody Boar." Ino said as she gave her crush a seductive smile. But Sasuke just looked down after he saw what Ino did. Ino just turned red with anger.

(A/N: Boar because when she gets angry, she acts like one.)

"Hyuuga Hinata...aka Bloody Snow." Hinata said in a sheepish tone.

"Hyuuga?" Naruto asked "Are you related to Neji?" He got a nod from both Hyuugas. "We're cousins." Neji told them.

" that's why she also has Byaakugan eyes..." Naruto examined her white-lavender eyes that really had an impact on Naruto. 'Beautiful.' He thought.

"Haruno Sakura..." staring straight at the white folder Tsunade was grasping. "aka Bloody Blossom."

At what she have said, Sasuke looked at her...interested to knowing her further. Ino looked at the direction Sasuke was looking. When she saw that it was Sakura, she just looked at Tsunade and asked her to continue.

"Ah...yes. We are the Blood Thirsty Organization. Blood Thirsty means revenge of what had happened to their past. Each of my assassins have a story to tell about their life. How tragictheir lives went through."

"Same as ours. Well, we are the Shadow Masters...Masters of Swiftness." Kakashi said introducing his organizations name. "Such beautiful women that when you look physically, you will say that there's nothing wrong. Right? Well now, it's my shadows turn." He said as he turned to Neji.

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