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Normal POV:

Sasuke went down followed by Sakura. They went straight to the dining table where their breakfast was served by Jin. They each had toast and coffee. They talked and shared more about themselves. By the time Sasuke finished eating he went straight to his room to get ready.

Sakura just sat there trying to remember what she had told him yesterday while she was drunk and almost half asleep.

'Oh yeah. I told him about my past and he told me his.' She recalled and rewinded the tape when he was speaking.

'15 years ago...both my parents were killed. My...damn brother killed them.' He said to hger politely without even hesitating.

She was disturbed when she heard a coughing sound from behind her. It was Sasuke.

"Use my bathroom." He said as he went out to breathe in some freash air. She nodded with agreement. She stood up from the table and walked straight to his room. She got inside and found a white towel with a note pinned to it. I read;

'Ms. Haruno. Please use this towel for the meantime. –Jin.'

She took out the pin so she wouldn't forget it later. In the middle of her shower, she heard the bedroom door open and then closed. She heard the television being opened and heard a deep sound of sigh. She knew it was Sasuke by the means of the deep sigh.

As she finished she grabbed the towel she saw a while ago and dabbed herself dry. She covered her body with the cotton towel and forgot about Sasuke entering his room. The towel just went almost two and a half inches down her buttocks, so it showed clearly her creamy, smooth legs.

She stood there frozen when she saw Sasuke. When he noticed the girl, he stared at her, his nose almost bleeding. Well, he is man though so you can't stop his lustiness. He can't control himself and went near her and pulled her down to the bed and the wind almost blown away the towel from her lower private part when she landed on the bed.

He pinned her down and started to kiss her passionately. Well, maybe seeing her naked body is not enough and so tried to do it with her, ALREADY. He can feel her struggles beneath him. She can't control and dominate him because he was really strong. She was almost giving up but then she felt him lighten a bit and stood up completely.

"Sorry. Shouldn't have done that." He said as he went to his closet to find her clothes just for a while. She blushed furiously after what he had done to her. And began to change while he stood there, back faced to her.


At the Shadow Master's Headquarters:

The pair arrived the led the commotion inside Kakashi's office into a halt. All of them inside the room scanned Sakura's outfit which was a white shirt and blue shorts. It was smaller than the clothes that he wore when they slept. 'A real slut.' Ino thought. Kakashi motioned them to sit. He cleared his throat and started what was needed to start.

"Sorry if we called so urgent. This is an emergency situation. Sasuke's brother, Itachi is sending us death threats upon killing his brother and the whole org. It was okay not until this morning. He sent another death threat and found out about the joining of our organizations. He then threatened the Blood Thirsty Organization too. So it involves all of us." He said as he cleared his throat. "But if you thought we are subsiding the mission, well think again. We will still have it. Since it involves our orgs, then we need cooperation and try to know each others strategies. Okay? Is this clear?"

They all agreed to what Kakashi was explaining. Sakura and Sasuke blushed at the same time when they remembered what had happened to them a while ago. Ino who saw their blushes suddenly spoke. "I think Shadow Masters won the mission. One pair here, I think already made out last night." She said eying the two.

Sakura suddenly noticed that she was referring to her and Sasuke. She then retorted back. "We didn't do anything last night! You would think malicious things just because we slept together..." she suddenly clasp her hand in her mouth. Shocked at what she said. Sasuke also was shocked that she said they slept together. They suddenly left glances at them.

Kakashi coughed to get the attention of everyone. "Well, I don't care if you slept together or not the important thing is what I am planning now. Each pair will sleep in a house to make the mission easier. So I'll now announce who's house you'll stay in. The girls will stay at the boys' house because as I've been informed you all sleep together in one house right?"

The girls nodded in unison. "So, Sakura you'll stay at Sasuke's house. Ino at Shikamaru's. Hinata at Naruto's and Tenten at Neji's. Is this clear? Blood Thirsty? Shadow Masters?" He asked all of then who nodded their heads together at the same time. "So you all need to prepare at what's going to happen next. Do you understand?" then he turned to Sasuke. "Sasuke, you know completely about your brother so be careful. If there's no more questions, you're all dismissed."

Hinata and Tenten ran to Sakura and handed her a bag full of her clothes, assassin outfit and weaponry. "Kurenai-sama and Tsunade-sama told us to pack some of you things so you will not bother go back and strain yourself in seeing Ino." Hinata said as Tenten agreed with her.

"Thank you guys." Sakura said and went off when she heard Sasuke's voice called for her name. They walked to his parked car within the vicinity of SM parking area.

"Uhm...Sasuke-san?" she said before she went inside the car. He looked at her and waited for what she will say. "Uhm...can I change my clothes inside? I fell a little hot in your clothes."

He just stared at her beauty. "Don't bother going back inside," he said as he stepped inside his car. The she heard his voice over, "Go at the back seat and change there. The car windows are tinted so don't hesitate that a peeping tom will peek to see you."

She was still shy because he was there in the driver's seat and waited for her to change. But when she entered the back seat, he suddenly went out of the car. Feeling relieved she started to undress herself and change into something casual. Once shed got out of the back seat, she went to the passenger's seat and Sasuke went inside too and they started to drive to the Uchiha manor.


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