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Thunder roaring. Rain falling against the roof of the Uchiha Manor.


Tha young boy got up from bed, shaking with fear.

Bang! Bang!

He walked up to the door and went outside to look for his mother.

"Ka- chan…where are you ka-chan?...' the soft, distinct voice of the young boy called over the noise around.

Worried of what was happening inside the house, he went down the stairs to go to the living room where his parents were before he went upstairs to sleep.


"Sasuke…ugh…run…" his mother shouted at him in a weakly manner. A voice that you know was injured and spitting out blood.

"Why ka-chan?"

Then, he saw his mother, crawling out of the door…shot in the heart, gasping for air.

"Ka-chan! What happened?" Sasuke asked, running to his mother.


Sasuke!...Don't…" then, before she could even finish, she was shot to her death

Surprised at what happened, he kneeled beside his mothers' corpse. He can partly see inside the room. He saw…a corpse that can't get angry to his child anymore

. A corpse that you know cannot put him down…it was his fathers' body, shot to death

He stood up, and looked stoic as he is now, wiped the tears that was formed in his dark, onyx pupils…the same color of his hair except his hair has streaks of dark midnight blue. A perfect match for his young, now stoic and cold handsome face.

"Where are you going Sasuke-kun? Do you want to be together with them? Remember Sasuke…they never thought about you…they never thought about us!" said a shrill voice coming from inside the living room.

Then he saw his only family, the one who trusted him, his brother, Uchiha Itachi, who has his Sharingan now permanent in his eyes. He raised the gun he used to kill his parents in front of Sasuke.

"I'll let you go with them!..."


He jumped out of bed. Beads of mixed sweat and tears came strolling down his cheeks. His face pale with fright and fear from that horrible dream.

It was exactly 3:00 am…

The usual time of exorcism…

He heard a faint knock on his bedroom door.

"Young Master? Are you okay? Is the dream haunting you again?" asked his trusted servant.

"Aa. Go back to sleep Jin. I'm okay now."

"Okay Young Master." Jin said as slowly crept out of the teenagers' room.

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