Chapter 6: Family Reunion

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A/N it's my birthday 😋!!! So yes I'm happy enough to update on my bday send me lots of love XOXO

Chris's (P.O.V)

After last night I felt amazing Sabrina is the only woman who really turned me on to the max like that, I wouldn't mind being friends with benefits. I woke up with her in my arms thankful that she didn't run off, she's known for that. I got up and went too the kitchen and started cooking, I made bacon, pancakes,grits, and put some fruit on the side of her tray.

Once I was done cooking I cleaned up and poured her a glass of orange juice and put the syrup on her tray last. I took the tray into our bedroom and saw her just waking up. "Aww you made this all for me.." I nodded my head and smiled while she dug in. I heard my phone ring and answered it.

"Yes dad?" He coughed before speaking. "Hey son! Listen were having a last minute family get together bring Sabrina by and be here by 5:30 love you have a good day." I said the same in return and hung up Sabrina looked at me. "We should bring brownies I know Mrs.Nancy made some." I was scrolling through my phone but still listening. "Ok it's 10 so we have time."

Sabrina stopped eating moved her tray and crawled over too me, she started kissing and sucking on my neck. "Since we have time ... How about you put some more hickeys in only places we can see." She whispered against my neck.

I couldn't take it I turned around and grabbed her and made love too her again.

Melanie's (P.O.V)

I'm over my friend Sasha's house she always has these last minute girl get togethers with all her friends. It's so early in the damn morning I just threw on some sweats a tank top my slides and put my hair in a bun im not impressing nobody. I was making me a bowl of cereal as one of of Sasha's friends Heaven walked in. I hate her ass with a passion, she was 5'4 brownskin blue eyes long curly hair and her body wasn't anything too die for.

I took my cereal over too the couch and sat next to some of the girls as they were talking.. I really don't want to f*cking be here. "Heaven how are things with you and Christian?" Sasha asked, Heaven sighed I rolled my eyes as she began talking. "We f*cked two nights ago he was sending me texts and stuff saying how he wanted me so he came over gave it too me and left. I heard he's with some whore named Sabrina she's a sex therapist here." I put my cereal down and looked at her. "Sabrina who?" She looked at me. "Sabrina Star." I stood up, "Bitch that's my bestfriend you're talking about I advise you to shut the f*ck up.. Matter of fact you said too much already I'm about to beat your ass and Chris never slept with you or wants you why are you lying whore." She look frightened and pulled out her phone too show me the messages between her and Chris the bitch was right.. He was trying to f*ck my bestfriend but already had f*cked this hoe. I threw her phone on the couch and grabbed her and started whooping her ass. She talked sh*t she needed her ass beat I don't play about my best friend.

It took Sasha and 4 other girls too get me off of her.. I grabbed my stuff and stormed off I'll say sorry to Sasha later for disrespecting her house.. Right now I have to tell Sabrina.

Sabrina's (P.O.V)

I walked over too Mrs.Nancy's fully dressed (Picture in MM) I knocked on her door and waited she answered in her house coat and slides. "Oh I'm sorry were you sleeping?" She turned around and walked in and I followed behind her. "No sweetie just couldn't get enough sleep last night because my next door neighbors were moaning so loud." I blushed and looked away. "Sorry Mrs.Nancy we didn't think you would here." She walked over too her fridge and pulled out a batch of brownies." I looked at her confused, "How did you know I was coming over for brownies?" She started laughing lightly "I have a gift that most old folks have sweetie. By the way today you need too talk to Melanie she has something important too tell you and after she does run back here." I was confused but nodded my head and kissed her on the cheek I grabbed the batch of brownies went downstairs and hopped in the car with Chris. "Ready?" He asked, I smiled "Yes I'm ready."


OOOOHHH what do yall think is about to happen at the family get together?!! I'm scared because I love Chris and Sabrina :(.. Melanie is a true thug sticking up for her bestie!



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