"What the fuck is going on with you.." I spat once we got far away from everyone and the place of the venue. He didn't respond back and continued to open the car door with panic. "Michael I'm speaking to you."

"I'm fine." He mumbled. He opened the door on his side and didn't bother to open the passenger one for like he usually does.

"If you're fine then why'd you drag me out of there?" I said, getting into the car and slamming the door hard. "Is it because of that guy?"

"What guy?" He and I both knew he was playing stupid.

"The one that came out the bathroom right after you did. What happened in there?" I said looking at him carefully. He sighed and kept his attention out the window. I carefully placed my hand on his face and moved it slightly so he would look at me. "Talk to me.." I said softly.

He took my hand and interlocked it with mine. "I ran into an old friend that's all." I don't know how naive he takes me for but the red flush of color from his face and the veins suddenly popping out of his neck told me he was more worked out about something else other than just bumping into an old friend.

"An old friend?...." I huffed.

"There was an exchange of words I didn't like that's all. You can stop worrying about it." He mumbled. He started up the car and drove off into the road. The entire ride home he didn't say a word and I didn't bother saying anything as well, knowing that his patience was very thin at the moment and my anger would rise within a second if he tries to catch any type of attitude with me. While he was driving I couldn't help but wonder what he was holding in his hands earlier. It looked like a piece of paper or some photographs but it was too crumbled up to even tell. He placed it into his pocket before we got into the car which clearly meant it wasn't supposed to be seen out in the open. Being the curious person I am, I need to know what he's possibly hiding from me.


We arrived home half an hour later. Once I stepped through the door, my back pains started acting up like it usually does around this time. The worst thing about being pregnant was the constant pains and nausea that would happen at the most random times. It made me more annoyed at the fact that I couldn't push out this baby at this very moment.

"Fuck.." I cursed under my breath as I felt my lower side of my back aching. I held my belly steadily with one hand and used the other to hold my back.

"You okay?" Michael said noticing my discomfort.

"I need some rest. My back is acting up again.."

"You want me to massage it or draw you a bath?" He said taking a hold of my waist and drawing himself closer to me. It annoyed me how flirtatious he was willing to act right now as if he didn't ruin a perfectly good night for me moments ago. His sudden change of behaviors and moods were worse than mine.

"I want you to call my dad and apologize for leaving so suddenly like that" I said to him while giving him a small peck on the cheek. "And maybe after that you can tell me what's really going on with you."

"We don't have to talk about everything you know.." he mumbled into my ear as he trailed his lips on my neck slowly, knowing it was one of my weak spots. I knew exactly what he was trying to do, distracting me so I would change or forget about the topic. He does it at times where he wants to forget about a situation or incident he caused and he thinks touching me seductively would make up for it. It's his way of "apologizing." Unfortunately sometimes I give in.

"Michael we really need to talk.." I rolled my eyes. He didn't stop. He moved him closer and started kissing up and down on me and gripped his hands around my neck.

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