Chapter 27

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•3rd POV•

The group of friends were getting ready to go to the amusement park. The day before Jungkook had gotten his check which meant he would have money to spend today. They all decided to meet each other at the entrance.

Namjoon, Jin, and Tae got in Jins car and left towards the park.

"I'm SO EXCITED!" Tae said with a big smile. He was very happy he gets to go today. He loves amusement parks. Especially the big rides.

Yoongi, Jungkook, and Hoseok were already there.

"Guys, I can't wait to go in!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"Me too!" Jungkook added. Yoongi stayed quiet.

"Yoongi hates big, tall, fast rides." Hoseok exclaimed.

"No I don't."

"Lies. He's just trying to be brave in front of you Jungkook." Hoseok said with a chuckle. Yoongi glared at Hoseok with a slight blush spreading his face.

"It's okay Hyung. You can hold my hand if you want." Jungkook said while reaching towards Yoongis hand. Yoongi looked down at their hands intersecting and made a small smile.

"Yuck. Save that for later. Don't make me suffer." Hoseok said with an eye roll. The yoonkook couple laughed at Hoseoks statement.

"I see you're all here!" Taehyung exclaimed. He ran towards Yoongi, Jungkook, and Hoseok. Namjoon and Jin follows behind.

"How long were you guys here?" Jin asked.

"Not that long. Maybe around 15 minutes." Hoseok answered.

"Oh ok."

"What are we waiting for, let's go in!" Taehyung said in excitement. Everyone laughed and went to buy their entrance pass.


Wow. It's been a while since I've been here. I just want to ride all of the rides!

"Let's ride that one!" Hoseok Hyung said pointing at a big, tall rollercoaster. I was in awe. It looks really scary but I still want to ride it. We ended up waiting in line.

"I can't believe you chose this ride." Jin Hyung said.

"Yeah. I thought you would have chosen the tea cups or something." Namjoon added.

"What are you guys talking about? I love this ride!" Hoseok Hyung said with a pout.

"Yea Hobi but you always come out crying from it." TaeTae said which made Hoseok Hyung blush and pout even more.

"We're up next!" I yelled in happiness. The seats were for two people in each row. Yoongi Hyung and I were on the first row. Namjoon Hyung and Jin Hyung sat together in the row behind us. Hoseok Hyung and TaeTae sat in the row behind Namjoon Hyung and Jin Hyung. We sat there waiting for the rest of the people to get on. I grabbed Yoongi Hyungs hand. I'm actually afraid of these kind of rides but I didn't want to worry Yoongi Hyung since he was afraid of them too.

The ride started. We slowly went up. I felt Yoongi Hyung hold my hand tighter so I did the same.

"Oh MY NAMJESUS!!" I heard Jin Hyung say from behind us.

"STOP YELLING LIKE A LITTLE BITCH!" Hoseok Hyung yelled from behind the namjin couple.


"CAN YOU ALL JUST STOP SCREAM- AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" TaeTae couldn't finish his sentence because we were going down. I raised my hands even the one I was holding onto Yoongi Hyungs hand with. Yoongi Hyung kept trying to pull down our hands but I kept them up. The ride was fast but very exciting and fun. I looked towards Yoongi Hyung and he had his gummy smile on. He was screaming in excitement but it was soft and only I could hear it.


"EOMMAAA!" Hoseok Hyung yelled.

The ride was soon over. Our hair was all messed up. Hoseok Hyung was crying.

"See. I told you you were going to start crying." TaeTae said with in laughter.

We ended up riding many other rides. Some were fast, some were slow. It was starting to get late and we decided to sit on a bench. Yoongi Hyung and Hoseok Hyung were both eating pretzels. TaeTae and I were eating churros. Namjoon Hyung and Jin Hyung were sharing some ice cream.

"I'm glad Jinnie suggested to come. I really needed a break from stress and work." Yoongi Hyung said.

"Agreed." Namjoon Hyung said.

"I really liked the ride where we got soaken wet!" I said.

"Theres something else you can ride and you'll probably get wet too." Hoseok Hyung said bluntly.




I started to blush. Yoongi Hyung face palmed. TaeTae shook his head.

"Really Hoseok?" Namjoon Hyung said in disbelief.

"And I thought he was a pure angel." Jin Hyung added.

"Wha- YOU GUYS ARE THE ONES WITH THE DIRTY MINDS!! I was talking about that new ride where you place with water guns! Seriously." Hoseok Hyung shook his head.

"Hehe. Why don't we go on one last ride?" I suggested. Everyone agreed.

"How about the ferris wheel?" Namjoon Hyung suggested.

"Hmm... Alright!" TaeTae agreed. We started walking towards the Ferris Wheel. Once we were there we chose our partners, which was pretty obvious on who we chose.

Yoongi Hyung and I went on together. The others got their own cart. We looked out at the scenery. The colorful lights shined bright through the night. I felt Yoongi Hyung grab my hand. Our cart was going in a circle until is had stopped at the top of the Ferris wheel. We both looked down and saw how pretty everything looked.



"Thank you for everything." Yoongi Hyung just stared at me.

"Stop thanking me so much Jungkook."

"But I really mean it. Thank you for saving me from the dark place I was in."

"Thank you jungkook." I was confused. There's nothing he should be thanking me for.

"Thank you for showing me that there can be light in the darkness." I slightly blushed and turned my head around.

"Jungkook, please look at me." I turned to look at Yoongi Hyung. He grabbed my head and kissed me on the lips. At that moment, fireworks appeared. The kiss was short and passionate. We both smiled at each other. I rested my head on his shoulder and he rested his head on my head. You're all I need, Yoongi Hyung.
Chapter 27 Done ✔️
Book Done ✔️
Date: 7/20/19

I just wanted to say thank you for everyone who read my story. I know it wasn't that great, especially the ending but I hope you enjoyed reading it. Thank you to everyone who voted on my story, it really means a lot! This is my first ever fanfic that I have made public and finished. Sorry for the grammatical errors, etc. This book is dedicated to my best friend. Also thank you to my other friend for the cover! This chapter was supposed to be posted the other day!! Sorry for posting it late!! Anyways that's all for now! Again thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! <3

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