Chapter 1

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Today's the day. The day I will get to be with my Jiminie. Oh how much I miss him but not for long. He and I will be together soon. Just wait a little longer Jimin-shi.


"Yoongs!" My roommate who had a smile brighter than the sun called out.

"What do you want Hoseok? Can't you see I'm sleeping?" I asked while yawning.

"At 1 in the afternoon?" Hoseok questioned me. With his arms folded over his chest.

I opened my eyes and glared at Hoseok. I sighed and sat up.

"What do you want?" I asked again. He gave me a confused look as if I'm supposed to know something.

"You don't remember what day it is today?" He asked. I made a questioning face and started thinking hard. I think Hoseok knew I was having trouble since he made a long, loud sigh.

"It's Namjoonie's birthday today. We're throwing him a party remember?" He said a bit annoyed. After processing everything that he just said, my eyes widened in shock.

"Oh yeah! I need to get ready!" I began running to my shower. I heard Hoseok leave the room. I have 5 hours to get everything ready!


Later today I will get to be with my Jiminie. He and I will be happy together. I should right a note first.

Hello to whomever is reading this. The reason I am writing this letter is because I will be gone for a very long time. If you are reading this, it means that I have already left. The reason I am gone is because he left me here alone. This cold hearted world isn't good enough for me. That's why I had to go with him. I can't let him suffer all alone either. I will miss everyone that I loved. My family, friends, and other people that impacted my life in some way. I am writing this with my blood, sweat, and tears. I will miss this world.

Perfect. I wipe my tears with the sleave of my black hoodie. Now I must get prepared for later.

I go to the bathroom and get my bath set up. There was no need of rushing since I was planning to meet Jiminie at night. After getting everything set up I start to strip my clothes off and get into the bath tub. I laid there, feeling relaxed and sunk into the water thinking about how I was going to greet my Jiminie.


After taking my shower, I got dressed up. I put on a white shirt with a red flannel on top. For pants I had on some ripped black skinny jeans. Finishing it off with my red converse. I have so much swag. After spraying some cologne on, I started to walk to the kitchen where Hoseok would most likely be at.

I was right. There he was scrolling through his phone while eating a sandwich. I cleared my throat to get his attention and it worked.


After Yoongi ran off to the bathroom to do who knows what, I went to the kitchen to see if we had everything for the party.

Today is my friend Namjoon's birthday. He and I had been friends since our middle school years. When we got into high school we both met Yoongi and became instant friends with him. Though Yoongi might look a little mean and maybe rude, he's actually a really good guy. He doesn't like a lot of people though so it might be hard to become his friend at first.

Yoongi and I live together since we both go to the same college and decided it would be the best way to save money.

Right now it's 1:21 pm. The party starts at 6 so we must have everything ready for it. I decide to make myself a sandwich since Yoongi might take a while doing his business. After making my sandwich I grab my phone and start to scroll through my friend's Snapchat stories. When I came across Namjoon's story, he posted a picture of himself with a caption saying "It's my birthday bitches!" I shook my head and clicked my tongue. Then I clicked the screen to go to the next picture. In the picture it had him and his "friend" Jin eating ice cream together. Caption: "Hanging out with this cutie!"

Can they make it more obvious? We all know they like each other yet they still deny it. I shake my head while continuing looking through other stories.

I then hear someone clearing their throat. Guessing it was Yoongi, I turned my head towards him and then turned to my screen again.
"What an attention seeker." I mumbled while scrolling through the stories again.


Did he just ignore me!? Who does he think he is? I make a mocking face towards him and turned around to get my phone and wallet. After getting my items I walk back to the kitchen and I see Hoseok washing his plate.

"Hey do we need anything from the store?" I ask while grabbing my car keys.

"Bring some chips, salsa, beers, paper plates, beers, napkins, beers, some cups and-"

Before he can continue I say...

"Let me guess more beers?" He gave me smirk and nodded. What a loser. I rolled my eyes and went out the door.


After taking my bath I got dressed up and decided to go for a walk. I mean since it's my last day I should spend all of my money, right? I grabbed my phone and started walking towards the market. I mean people shouldn't die on in empty stomaches right???

I stand in front of the store. I take a good look around and notice the little things. The moth that is stuck in a spider web on the wall. The leak that is coming from who knows where. The graffitied penis on the side of the- WAIT why is there a graffitied penis on the side of the market!?

You know what I'm just going to go in. I grabbed a cart and walked inside the store. I then started to go through the isle's. While I was walking I stopped at an isle full of jams. Oh Jams. Jimin never had any. I grabbed a jar of Jan and placed it on my cart. After I started getting random items and placing them down on the cart as well.


After I parked my car, I locked the doors and started heading towards the market. While grabbing a cart I saw a graffitied penis on the side of the store. Who in there right mind would do such a thing. I shook my head in disbelief and went into the market. I grabbed the chips and the salsa. Now what else am I missing? Ah the beers. After grabbing the beers I got everything else that I needed.

"I think I'm done here." I said to myself and started to turn the corner but when I did I bumped my cart with another cart.


Ice cream sounds nice. While putting the bucket of ice cream to my cart I decided that's all I was getting since I would have to carry everything back to my apartment. While turning the corner I accidentally bumped into someone else's cart.

Oh no. This means I have to apologise meaning I have to talk to someone. What's great day I'm having. I looked down and said a quick sorry before turning my cart around and going to the nearest checkout line.


"Sorry." Is what the guy in front of me said. His voice very soft and angelic. The guy had brown messy hair. Fairly tall well at least a little bit taller than me. Was wearing a plain white shirt with some jeans and timberlands. He seemed younger than me. He was also very adorable. I realized I was daydreaming at the same spot we bumped into each other and when I turned around he was gone.
First Chapter Done ✓

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