Chapter 2

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Well that was awkward. I let out a long sigh and started paying for the items in my cart.

After paying, I grabbed my bags and left the store before anything else could happen.

While leaving the store, I looked around and smiled. I then started to make my way home.


I went to the front to pay the items I had gotten. After paying for everything I left the store and looked for my car. The party starts in 2 hours and I'm pretty sure we have everything ready.

After finding the car, I put everything inside the trunk. I then got in the car myself and started to drive home.


When I got to my door, I got my house keys out and unlocked the door. After going inside I threw my shoes on the floor and started to eat my ice cream that I had bought.

While eating my ice cream I started thinking of my Jiminie. His mesmerizing eyes. The plump lips that would give me nice, wet kisses. His soft fluffy hair. His adorable height. He was older but surely shorter. His cute chubby cheeks that would make you want to squish them so bad. The thing that I loved about him the most was his personality, his laugh. He would give me the best advice and was always by my side. He loved me and I loved him.

I'll be there soon Jiminie.


"I'm home!" I announced walking in with bags on my head. Hoseok turned his head from the tv and looked at me. After a split second he turned back to the tv watching who knows what.

I started setting everything up for the party which was soon to start. In less then 2 hours this house would be filled with our closest friends. We'll have drinks and celebrate Namjoon's birthday. It will be great.

"HOSEOK! Get your lazy ass off that couch and help me set up!" I yelled at Hoseok. He turned around while groaning and got up from the couch. He then helped get everything ready!


I should probably start getting ready. I grabbed a black hoodie and put it over my white shirt. I grabbed my note and a black face mask. While stuffing them in my pocket, I decide I should eat a meal before greeting my Jiminie. I got out the door, locked my apartment, and put the keys under the mat. I don't think I'm coming back so might as well leave them here.

On my way out I thought of what to eat. I had passed the small restaurant that Jimin and I used to go to on my way home from the store and decided I should eat there.

*One hour later*


Knock knock knock

That's strange who's knocking? I looked through the peep hole on the front door and I couldn't see anything. I slowly opened the door and rushing in was a guy with a tray full of fruit on one head and on the other he had a cake.

After setting everything down he clapped his hands and turned towards me.

"Oh hey Yoongi. I came to drop this off." The guy said with a chuckle at the end. He then started walking towards me.

"So where's Hoseok?" The guy said while checking his watch and before I could respond he rushed out the door.

"I have to go! I'll see you in a bit!" He yelled.


Well that just happened. The party starts in less then and hour. Hoseok then came out of his room.

"I heard some noice. Who came?" Hoseok asked while taking a bite of a Snickers bar. I pointed at the table that had the fruit and cake.

"Ohhhhhh." He responded.


While Yoongi's out setting up, I was getting myself ready. Not that I wasn't ready, I was just doing my finishing touches to myself.

Then I hear the front door open. Probably Yoongi. He always goes in and out of the house. After a few seconds I started hearing some noice then I heard the door close. I grabbed a candy bar from my cabinet and started tearing the wrapper apart. While I was doing that, I opened the door and went out of my room.

"I heard some noice. Who came?" I asked Yoongi. He then pointed towards the table where a tray of fruit and a cake were placed. Soon enough I already knew who was here. Taehyung. He's one of our friends. I remember texting him earlier to buy a cake for Namjoon.

Anyways people should be arriving any moment now.

Knock knock knock

There it is. Yoongi turned around and opened the door. Some of our closest friends had arrived and we welcomed them in. A few more kept showing up until our house was almost full. We were just waiting for three people.


"Taehyung! Hurry the fuck up you're taking forever!" I yelled. Jeez why does he always do this.

"Chill. I'm pretty sure he just forgot to get something." My friend Jin said trying to cover up for him. We were currently in the car waiting for our other friend Taehyung. We're supposed to go to Yoongs house and hang out.

"I'm here." I turned my head and saw Taehyung get in the car while slamming the door shut. After he put on his seat belt. Jin started the car and started heading to Yoongs house.


After eating my delicious meal, I paid the man and left. I'm not going to see my Jiminie until later so I decided I should go for a walk. Some stores were closing for the night since it was already getting dark. I kept walking and started to daydream. I thought about my special moments with Jimin. Like the time we went on our first date. It was a simple picnic at the park. We had our favorite food and we would cuddle up while feeding each other. We got ice cream and we chased each other in a field full of dandelions. I will always remember that special moment we shared. I realised I was closing my eyes and when I opened them I was in the middle of the street walk and heard a screech. I turned my head and there was a car that was really close to me. My eyes widened and I coudn't move.

"Hey are you okay!?" The person on the passenger seat asked while sticking his head out the window. I blinked a few times and then I nodded my head.

"Y-yeah I-I'm sorry." I said while speed walking to the other side. I did not look back, just kept walking.


"OH MY NAMJESUS!" Taehyung yelled which made Jin and I jump from our seats. Wait did he just say Namjesus?

"What did you just say?" I asked him.

"Nothing. But guess what!?" He yelled again.

"What is it Tae?" Jin asked while keeping his eyes on the road.

"BTT are going to post their new music video next week!" Tae said which shocked both Jin and I making us turn to face him.

"WHAT!?" Jin and I said in unison.

"Yea and- JIN KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!" He responded making Jin immediately turn his head. When I turned to look at him he had his eyes wide open and made a sudden stop. We all went forward a bit before our seatbelts put us back to place. I was shocked at what was in front of us. A guy in a black hoodie was just standing in front of our car. He slowly turned his head towards us and his eyes opened wide. He stood there looking at us, probably in shock. Jin had his eyes still wide open and I decided to ask if the guy was alright. I put the window down and took a deep breath.

"Hey are you okay!?" I managed to ask. The boy nodded his head and started walking to the other side. He had mumbled something but I couldn't quite hear what he had said. I then put the window back up again. After a few seconds Jin had started to drive again. None of us saying a single word.
Chapter 2 ✓
Sorry if I'm a little slow. And also sorry if the last part didn't make sense. I made this at 2 in the morning. 😂

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