Chapter 16

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Yoongi Hyung and I walked in silence. It usually takes about 10-15 minutes to get to my place but right now it felt like hours. The silence felt awkward. I kept looking left and right trying to put my attention on anything other than Yoongi.

Yoongi Hyung was walking beside me with no expression at all. His hands were in the pockets and he only kept his eyes straight ahead.

Once we got to my apartment, I unlocked the door and thank goodness I had cleaned or else that would have been embarrassing. I cleared my throat and turned to Yoongi.

"You may come in." I said nervously before walking to my room. Why do I feel so awkward right now?


The walk to Jungkooks house was pretty... strange. He seemed very uneasy. Was I making him uncomfortable?

Once we got to his place he let me go in and he left to his room I assume. His apartment was rather small. I expected his place to be messy but it's pretty well organized. How old is this kid anyways? He's obviously younger than me but how old exactly is he? Does he go to school? Questions started flooding my head until Jungkook snapped me out of it.

"Uh, Yoongi Hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes?" I asked with a confused look.

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned. I gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I asked again.

"Well I've been calling your name for a while now and you didn't reply." He said looking down shyly.

"Oh sorry. Um what do you need help with?" I questioned.

"Could you carry this luggage for me?" He asked while looking somewhere else. He had a dark blue luggage with his named printed on it. I gave him a questionable look but I went up to him to grab the luggage. When I brushed my hands on his to grab the luggage I felt a spark.


I felt really weird at the moment. Maybe it's because It's the first time in a while a person has visited my house. My parents live in Busan and Jimin... well he was the only one who ever came to visit. My friends like Yugyeom would come over too but it's been months since the last time he came.

I had finished packing a small blue luggage that my Hyung had bought be. It even had my name!

Once Yoongi Hyung was about to grab the luggage, his hand brushed mine and I had felt a weird spark. I got scared so I dropped the luggage on accident.

I looked at my hand and Yoongi Hyung looked at his own. After a few seconds we made eye contact and we both had a confused look on our faces.


Did Jungkook feel that too? He dropped the luggage. That could mean... he felt the spark. What even was that spark? We made eye contact for a few seconds giving each other questionable looks. Then Jungkook seemed to realize the luggage was still on the floor so he quickly got down and picked it up.

I grabbed the luggage from his hands. He then went back to his room and brought a similar one but it was a really bright yellow one.

"Um can you wait outside for a bit? I'm just gonna pack a few other things." He asked shyly.

What is up with him?

"Okay?" I answered and went out of his apartment. He shut the door and locked it. What the fuck?



I ran to the kitchen and quickly stuffed all of the snacks I had. Which wasn't much since I thought I was going to die the other day, I ate almost all of them. I stuffed my luggage with a few drinks, some bags of chips, and candy. When I was done I took a whole look around my small apartment place.

I know I don't have to leave with Yoongi Hyung but I wanted to leave this place. Although I will miss this place very much, I just felt like I should leave this place.

I opened the door and saw a very confused Yoongi Hyung.


Did he kick me out?

He's taking so longgggggg!

Jungkook opened the door with a luggage in this hand. He quickly closed the door and started walking ahead of me.

"So, what's in the yellow luggage." I asked. I saw Jungkook tense up before starting to speak again.

"Stuff." He replied. I gave him a weird look but didn't say anything after.


I don't want him to think I EAT A LOT!! We kept walking in silence though this time it was more comfortable than earlier.

I enjoyed the fresh air gently hit me. My hair moved around as the wind hit it.

Yoongi Hyung still had his gaze stuck ahead of us. I smiled and kept walking until we made it to his place.

This won't be so bad... will it?
Chapter 16 Done ✔️
Date: 3/03/2019
This was a bit of a boring chapter but oh well... next chapter will be uploaded soon!

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