Chapter 19

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It was around 10:45 pm. I wasn't tired so I decided to go outside for some fresh air.. I felt worried. I didn't expect to see him again.

He went to High School with Jimin and I. He actually had a crush on Jimin. He hated me because I was really close with him and I was his boyfriend. I remembered one Friday night, I was walking home from Jimin's house. Jimin wanted to take me home because it was already late and it was very dangerous outside. I told him that I was fine walking on my own and that I would call him when I got home. After a while he said it was fine and let me go home by myself. I didn't really expect myself to get into any trouble because my home wasn't really far from Jimin's, maybe just a few blocks. I felt a presence from behind me, as if someone was following me. When I turned around the guy covered my mouth and had me in his grip. I struggled to move and no one was around to help me. I thought it was the best idea to take the shortcut instead of walking through the shopping area.

He started to tell me lies about how Jimin didn't love me and that Jimin was cheating on me with him. I didn't believe his lies of course and when I started to talk back he had punched me, making me drop to the floor. I was only 16 at the time. He was 18. That night he started beating me up and telling me I wasn't worth Jimin's time. He said I was only a play thing to Jimin. I remember the hits I received. They were painful. I remember I was bleeding a lot and my vision got blurry. I did see someone who threw a punch at the guy but I couldn't see the persons face because I had already fainted. The next morning, I remember waking up at the hospital. Turns out the guy that threw a punch at him called 119 when he saw him punch me. I never got to find out who the guy that saved me was but I'm very thankful for saving my life. The guy moved schools so Jimin and I didn't get to see him anymore, thank goodness. When Jimin saw my beaten up state, I told him that I was trying to protect someone who was getting bullied. He believed me but told me to be more careful next time.

The fresh air outside gave little gusts of wind, blowing my hair backwards. I heard the door open and I saw a very sleepy Yoongi Hyung. He yawned and looked at me. I stared at him confused.

"What are you doing out so late?" He asked while closing the door. I shrugged and told him I was "thinking." He sat beside me and stared at the stars. The moonlight was reflecting on his face. The stars were in his eyes. I smiled.

"May I ask you a question?" Hyung asked, not moving his gaze from the stars.

"You just did." I said with a giggle at the end. He smiled and shook his head.

"Yes you may." I responded to his question.

"That night we met. Why did you want to end it there?" I was shocked. I didn't expect him to ask this question all of a sudden. He stopped looking at the stars and looked at me. Something in me told me that it was okay to trust Yoongi Hyung. I let out a small sigh and smiled.

"Sometimes, when life gets hard, you feel like ending everything once and for all is the right choice. Hoping you will forget the pain." This was exactly how I felt. I had just expressed my feelings in a small summary. Yoongi Hyung didn't respond back to what I said. He asked another question instead.

"What happened this morning?"

I was actually hoping he wouldn't ask but for some reason I'm glad he did.

"It's a long story and it's pretty late, you must be tired." I responded. I then looked at the floor. I didn't know if Yoongi Hyung actually wanted to hear my story.

"I'm not tired. I'm Yoongi." He said with a smirk which made me roll my eyes with a smile on my face.

"You can tell me. I'm all ears."

At first I hesitated but then I decided to tell him everything from the start. About Jimin. About the guy from earlier. About Jimin's disease. About Jimin dying. About me losing hope. About me slowly killing myself every single day because my Jiminie wasn't there with me. About everything. I didn't even know I was crying until Yoongi Hyung started to wipe my tears with his thumb. He seemed very worried about me for once and it felt strange. I sobbed on his chest while he made gentle circles with his hand on my back. I felt secured in his arms. I closed my eyes, soon falling asleep.



"How have you been sweetie?"

"I've been horrible without you here. Why did you leave me Jiminie?"

"I didn't leave you Jungkook. I'm always here with you."

"But you're... dead."

"I'm alive in your heart Jungkook. That's all that matters."

"Jimin, I promise to go with you soon!"

"No Jungkook. You have to stay living. You have to be with your new friends and you have to make new ones as well. Don't worry about me, worry about yourself."

"But Jimin-"

"No. Do me a favor, yes jungkook?"

"Anything for you."

"Find someone else to love."

"What? I won't do that."

"Jungkook. I think you should go out and find someone else that can make you happy. Start a new and healthy relationship."


"You said you would do me a favor."

"I... I will try but I don't guarantee that I will find someone."

"Oh you will, trust me. I have to go now Kookie."

"When will I see you again?"

"Probably never again. I need you to enjoy your life without me from now on but I'll always be by your side."
Chapter 19 Done ✔️
Date: 6.17.19
I know my writing has gotten worse. Hehe. This was a pretty short chapter... sorry about that. I hope I'm not boring any of you out. :(
Next chapter will be up soon!

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