Chapter 3

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Wow... that was scary. I almost died! Wait. Isn't that a good thing? I could have been with my Jiminie sooner. FUCK! Now I'm mad that they didn't run me over. Who are those people anyways?

I started walking to a nearby park. The one Jiminie and I had our picnic. There was no one in sight. It was pretty late, almost about to be 7pm. I walked towards the swings and sat on one of them. My feet were touching the ground. I started swinging softly back and forth and stared at the sky. Darkness had taken over the sky. The moon was out shining brightly and the stars started to become more visible. I sighed and started to count the stars.



"You would think that since it's his birthday he would be the first one to show up." I told Hoseok. He shrugged and started to drink his 3rd beer. Hoseok was sitting down, with a blank red face, and staring right at the ground. He was definitely drunk.

"Uhu. Can you pass me another beer?" Hoseok asked ending it with a hiccup. I rolled my eyes.

"No. You're already drunk." I told him.

"Sorry let me *hiccup* rephrase that. GIVE ME ANOTHER BEER!" He said before passing out on the floor. I face palmed while shaking my head. While I tried picking him up and setting him on the couch, car lights reflected through the window. I quickly turned off the lights and told everyone to hide.

"Guys he's here everyone shut up and hide." I whispered loudly so everyone could hear. Everyone went silent and stared at the door.


"TAEHYUNG!" Jin shouted at Tae.

"I'm sorry!" I forgot it was supposed to be a surprise!" Tae said with a face full of guilt.

"Guys it's fine. Let's just go and enjoy the party. Don't worry I'll try to act surprised." I told them with a wink at the end. Jin sighed and we all started to walk towards Yoongi's house.

I placed my hand on the doorknob and twisted it very very veryyyy slowly. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Oh my god!? Why are the lights turned off? *dramatic gasp* I should turn them on since it's really dark." I rolled my eyes and turned the lights on.

"SURPRISE!" People came out of many places. I made a surprised face and covered my mouth with my hands.

"What!? A surprise party? For me? This is amazing! Thank you! Now what are we waiting for let's get this party rollin!" I yelled while everyone cheered. Then the music started to play again and everyone started doing their own thing. Even Jin and Tae who started dancing to the music.

"Sooo... who told you?" Yoongs asked me.

"Taehyung." I replied with a chuckle at the end. "Where's Hoseok at?" I asked.

"He passed out." Yoongs replied while looking towards the couch where a drunk Hoseok laid.

"Uh excuse me. There's no more beers." One of my good old friends Mark said.

"Oh I'll go buy some more." Yoongi said while getting his coat and wallet. Then left the house.

"Hey Mark. Where's Jackson?" I asked him.

"He couldn't make it because of work. He told me he'd come see you sometime soon though." He replied with a smile. I nodded and we both decided to join everyone who was dancing.


783... 784... 785

I sighed. It was no use. I think I counted the same star more than ten times.

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