"Okay." He nodded, laying down on the couch and closing his eyes to my surprise.

I head to the door and open the door. Seeing Norris walking down the driveway, but instantly stopped when I cleared my throat.

"I have a question."

I blink and Norris was suddenly in front of me, surprising me...not really.

"What is that?"

"...since he's a vampire, will our child be more vampire than human or...? I'm also afraid Achille's vampire blood will attack the baby since...not fully a vampire."

Norris's eyebrows raised high, watching him begin to rub his chin. I wondered if he could give me the answer I wanted. He wasn't as educated on this so I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't have anything.

"I'm still ignorant to all of this. This is a fascinating case and I am lucky to have met you guys today. I can tell you that his blood may attack the child since there are altered genes meeting human genes. It can result in deformation or even death... But that may or may not happen. Don't worry, I will talk to you both later about this whole situation. I wouldn't stress it."

I look away from him because it was impossible not to stress this. To think that I could possibly impregnate Achille so easily is interesting to me. It's still weird to me.

"Okay...I will continue to stress it though. Impossible not to... Well, see you later." I nod at Norris kindly as he grins.

"See you later Darius."

With that I watch him bolt off in a blur, sending chills down my spine as I went inside. Closing the door softly then I locked it quickly.

"Achille I think we have some things to plan. I never in a million years thought I'd be such a young parent. I am only twenty-two...but if it's with you I think I'll be okay." I state, walking to the couch as I look over it.

Confused as to why Achille laid silently, I flinch at the sound of a soft snore.

"Achille?" I ask softly, gasping as I realized he was sleeping. This is the first time I have ever seen him sleep. It was an odd sight to see because he looked so peaceful and yet heavenly.

The heavenly part contradicted what he was as a person...but I didn't care.

Picking him up in my arms, I take him to his room. When I set him in his bed I saw that it was neatly done as if no one ever slept in it... Makes sense though.

I pull back the sheets and put him under, smiling at how cute he looked. This was a very new sight to me...how could I let this go.

Found myself crawling into his bed and going under the sheets with him. I come to him as I practically spoon him. Resting my head on his unnecessarily soft pillows.

"You're so precious..." I murmur near his ear, suddenly becoming excited at the fact that we both will possibly be a family. Thinking about such a thing sends shockwaves through me - shockwaves of happiness and excitement.

How frightening...at the same time.

Don't know how to feel about all of this. I want to tell people and be excited. Yet I have no one to exactly tell...neither does Achille.

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