Field Trip PT 1

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Peter and Ned were walking down the hallway to their science class. It's the only class of the day where they have the entire gang there together. And by the entire gang I mean MJ, Ned, and Peter.

"Hey P***s Parker." Flash shouted down the hallway which got a laugh from most of the students. "Like my new phone?" He said waving it in front of Peter.

"Maybe, since you're buddies with Tony Stark he can get you one too. Oh that's right you won't get one because your lying about knowing him." Flash laughed while Ned and Peter tried to walk by him.

"Parker I'm not done with you yet." Flash said as he grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled Peter in front of him.

"Maybe if you we're listening. I never said I knew Mr. Stark, I just said I interned at Stark Industries." Peter said pushing past Flash and walking into his class.

The bell rang...

"All right class settle down settle down now I would like to inform you that we are going to have field trip tomorrow." Mr.Harrison announced.

The students excitedly talked to each other wondering where they were going.

"Class," Mr.Harrison boomed over the voices of his students. "Now because of our amazing test scores this year WE'RE GOING ON A FIELD TRIP TO STARK INDUSTRIES."

Everyone started talking to each other again.

"Ugh." Peter slammed his head against the desk.

"Sorry loser. Guess Parker luck has struck again." MJ said looking sympathetically towards him. Well as sympathetic as MJ could get.

"Dude, I don't understand why you're not excited. You can finally prove that your internship is real." Ned exclaimed.

"But all the Avengers are going to embarrass me." Peter complained.

"Ok dude, but personally I would kill to be embarrassed by the Avengers." Ned said with excitement in his voice.

Mr.Harrison walked over to Peter's desk.
"Peter, come talk to me after class ok." He said.

"Yeah sure, Mr.Harrison." Pete said.

"Oooooooo, P***s is in trouble." Flash said to his friends laughing.
Gerry the giraffe brought you this time skip
Peter walked up to Mr.Harrison's desk.

"You asked to see me?"

"Ahh yes Peter. You see you don't need to come to school tomorrow."

"What, but the field trips tomorrow."

"I'm sorry Peter, but because you lied about having an internship there, I can't bring you."

"But Mr.Harrison, I do have an internship there you have to believe me."

"Peter, I can understand lying about it to make yourself look cool, but lying to a teacher is completely unacceptable now get out of my classroom." Mr. Harrison said.

When Peter walked out of the classroom Ned came up to him.

"What did Mr. Harrison have to say?" Ned asked.

"He said I couldn't go on the field trip tomorrow because I apparently I lied about my internship." Peter said sadly. He knew he didn't want to be embarrassed by his family but now Flash is going to say that he didn't come because he didn't want to be exposed.

Ding ding... Ned's phone went off.

"Sorry dude I need to go my mom's waiting for me outside but enjoy your day off." Ned said walking away waving to Peter.

When Peter walked out of school he saw Happy in a black limo waiting there for him. Peter opened up the door and sat down.

Happy looked up and said "Hey kid how was school?".

"It was fine. "Peter said with a sad undertone.

Peter lean down in his seat and pulled out his phone which was a new Stark industries phone that hadn't even came out yet.

Happy noticed that Peter wasn't talking as much as usual, which bothered him because even if he acted like he didn't like him he secretly cared for the boy. Happy grabbed his phone really quick and Tony that Peter wasn't talking as much as usual and he wasn't sure what was wrong.

Once they got to Stark Tower, Peter opened up the door and said goodbye to Happy and thank you. Peter walked into the building and through the metal detector and badge scanner.

Peter walked into the elevator. "Hey Friday take me up to the labs please."

Ding went the elevator. Peter walked off the elevator and into the lab. Tony looked up from his computer.

"Hey kid. What's wrong usually the second you walk in here your talking your mouth off?" Tony said worried for the boy.

"It's nothing Mr.Stark I'm just not going to be able to go on the field trip tomorrow because I 'lied' about my internship." Peter said putting up finger quotes.

"Well why don't you just work in the labs with the interns tomorrow, they love you and that brain of your. Probably because you can help them finish their projects months earlier than there supposed to be but still." Mr.Stark said.

"Ya I guess that could work." Peter said blushing.

"Ok kid now that that's settled help me figure out how to build this nano tec suit." Tony said.

Authors note
Give me some prompts to do and I'll try my best to do them.

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