Why Again

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It's been three weeks that Yoongi and I have been dating. Both he and I decided not to call ourselves as "in a relationship" because we want to take more time to confirm ourselves. He said he still wants to perfect himself to become the best boyfriend for me.

For example, Yoongi is a very shy guy when it comes to relationship stuffs. As he's used to not talking about his feelings openly, he's having a bit of a hard time with it. He always says,

"Soojin-nie, wait for me. I'll be the best."

"Please understand me, jagi-yah. I don't want to let you down."

"Don't leave me, Soojin-ah..!"

I just smile or chuckle whenever he says those things because I've already determined myself to be his girl and I'll never even think about leaving him.

Well, he's actually doing the opposite. He opens up to me quite a lot. I still remember he even cried in my arms like a baby when he heard about his uncle's sudden death. Oh, he speaks in dialect when he's so nervous and sad. That's how I can know whether he's in a good mood or not.

OH GOD, I almost forgot to mention how much of a gentleman Min Yoongi is. Krrrrrgh, he doesn't try to touch my skin at all in any way. You know, other boys would touch their girlfriends' thighs or hips, right? Ahh! But there's one thing Yoongi always does - sticking his tongue out a little and licking his lips. He doesn't do that intentionally to seduce me but it's just his habit. I noticed it even before dating him.

One day at his studio,



He takes a glance at me from his chair. I'm lying on the couch as usual.

"I'm bored."


I suddenly get up and walk to him. He holds my hand and smiles.

"So, what do you want to do, jagi?"

His eyes become wide as I try to sit on his lap. Then, I wrap my arms around his shoulder and pout my lips.

"I don't know..?"

"Eshhh, pull down your T-shirt."

"I didn't do that intentionally..!"

The T-shirt I'm wearing is actually his, which is about two sizes bigger than my normal size and he's trying to pull it down to cover my hips.

I rest my head on his right shoulder and stare at him. He mimics my face and teases me.

"Heheh, ahh, oppa-ang..!"

I don't even know when I began saying that word. Gee, it sounds so cheesy though.


Biting down his lower lip,


Yoongi suddenly wraps his arms around my body with his right arm on my back and left on my waist. The left hand is almost touching my hips but he makes his palm into a fist, so... Min Yoongi being Min Yoongi as usual.

He rubs his nose on mine.

"Aigoo, so cute..!"


I blink fast.

"No, me..!"


I pinch his cheek and frown.

"Ah, it hurts, Park Soojin!"

"I'm sorry..!"

He gives me a quick peck on my cheek. I'm shocked.

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