Getting "Closer"

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*glass breaks*

Jimin suddenly grips my left shoulder with his right hand and pins me on the wall.

"Please... Not again..."

He whams the wall with his left hand. I'm between his arms.

"Park Soojin..."

He gives me a deadly stare, biting down his lower lip.

"I want you..."

It was a week ago that Jimin started acting strange on me. He and I would meet up just like we used to but something was definitely off.

Okay, I'll be honest. Jimin became more and more seductive. He would intentionally wear tight tops or even sleeveless ones to show off his body, touch me on my shoulder or try to hold my hand and sometimes, say flirty things to me.

I can't blame him for trying to be dominant on me because I kind of enjoyed it, too. Although we're not dating, we definitely look like we are.


Jimin holds my face with his right palm and licks his own lips.


Yes, he comes to me whenever he's drunk and sleeps at my place sometimes. I even had to hide him from Hoseok who came to me quite early in the morning.

There's always one thing that Jimin says in his sleep.

"Kim Seokjin.., I hate you..."

However, as soon as I hold his hand, he falls asleep calmly, deeply and quietly.

It wasn't one or two nights. It had actually been two weeks that Jimin kept doing those things. But tonight.., right now... I didn't expect this...

He gives a soft peck on my cheek and looks into my eyes with his beautiful dark eyes that I adore. Unexpectedly.., I'm enjoying this skinship so much.

My palms cup his face without any control and I give him a kiss on his lips. He looks surprised. So, am I. Then, he grabs my hand and pulls me towards my bedroom. Pushing me onto my bed, he takes off his jacket and T-shirt.

This man whom I kept calling "little boy"...he's not a little boy. Staring at his strong body over mine, I slowly run my fingers on his broad chest and sigh.


He whispers and smirks at me.

"I want you..."

He smashes his plump lips into mine. Damn, I can't believe the fact that those beautiful lips are finally touching mine. I'm even jealous of his lips sometimes. That's how beautiful and plump they are.

Soon, he shoves his tongue into my mouth which makes me gasp a bit. Without my notice, my shirt is already stuck on my chest with his hand under it. He pulls it off of my head and glues himself with me. But to his surprise, I roll onto him and sit on his waist.

"Ahh, Park Soojin..."

Jimin shows me his seductive smile and bites down his lower lip. Without hesitating, I stick my lips on his and smash it like the way he did a while ago. He and I are both enjoying this moment too much. Or is it just me..? Ehh, I don't think so.

2:00 AM.

*heavy breathing*

I wake up in the middle of the night as I feel too hot. But then, I realize that I'm locked in Jimin's arms. He and I are both shirtless but covered in my blanket. I don't remember how we both fell asleep though.

"Kim Seokjin..."

There we go.


I look up at him.

"...hate you..."

I kiss on his chest.

"And I'll...take everything...away from you..."

That shocks me. This is my very first time to hear that from him.


I wrap my arms around his body and stare at him. He doesn't wake up but he sighs and falls asleep deeply again.

I carefully lift his arm and try to roll over to the other side. Whew, I'm out of his grip now.

"Everything you have... I'll take them away... I'll take her away..."

As I get up, putting on my shirt again, my hands stop functioning.


"Park Soojin.., she's mine..."

My eyes are widened.

"You'll...never possess her... I swear..."

I'm dumbfounded. What is he saying..?

Nights like this continue to happen. I admit I enjoyed it so much but I began to feel suspicious.

Jimin kept talking in his sleeps that he would take me away from Seokjin as if Seokjin and I are in a relationship or something like that. I dare not ask Jimin about it.

There's another thing I notice. Jimin is a totally different person during the day. He would care about me and cherish me with his warm heart in the day. However, he's so cold and emotionless when we make out. It's so strange how a person can be like that. I don't feel the warmth or love from him at nights. He might kiss me, hug me and do whatever he wants to my body but...I can't feel the love. It's all about lust.

"Park Soojin!"

"I'm sorry!"

I was lost in my thoughts while waiting my name to be called at a job interview. To fulfil my mom's wish, I decided to give this job a try.

After the interview, I already have a feeling that I'm not gonna get this job.


Somebody pokes me on my shoulder.


"Can we talk somewhere?"

I'm surprised because a man whom I've never met is wanting to talk to me in private. He has dark eyes and black hair. He's about the same height as Jimin but the body structure is quite smaller than him.

He and I walk to the end of the corridor.

"Hi, ahh..."


"Aren't you Invincible 쓰지?"


I'm shocked.

"Aren't you?"

"Ye...yeah! How do you know me?"

"I'm from your college. Two years older."


"And I have known you and your blog since then. Because you chose to stay silent about it, I didn't come and tell you that I knew you."

"Ahh, I see... What's your name by the way?"

"I'm Min Yoongi."

"Min Yoongi?"

"Yup, I applied for the same job as you, haha."

"I see..! Nice to see you. I'm Park Soojin."

"I know."

Yoongi smiles slightly and we shake hands.

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