“Let’s go, guys.” Lucy said, wringing her hands in nervousness. “Before this all gets much worse. While we still can. We’ll find a couple of horses, and we’ll get out of here, back to our time. We’ll be able to get Juvia to a hospital!”


Erza looked at me in surprise. I looked past her, to Jellal. Carmen had gone inside, but he was looking across the courtyard up at her, a curious, daring look in his eye.

“Please, I need you to give this a chance.” I pleaded with them. “To explore it with us. Please. Don’t rush Juvia. Juvia is afraid to leave. Because of her wound. Because of Erza. Juvia is afraid that if we leave, so much will be lost.”

Their brown eyes stared into mine for a long time.

“How long?” they asked at last.

“Through the feast,” I said. “Juvia thinks that by then, you can pull out her stitches and we can make it to the tombs.”

“Why through the feast?” Lucy pressed. She stepped closer. “Why not now?”

My eyes trailed from her to Erza, who was staring down at the courtyard again. Jellal was no longer there. “Maybe not all the way through the feast,” I whispered. “Juvia just knows that today is not the day. All right?”

"All right,” they whispered after a moment, fighting back a slight smile as they lean on me a bit. Given how close we where we’d have no problem pulling off the whole sister story.

We hid away that afternoon in the bedroom, skipping lunch, talking and playing with each other’s hair. It would have been a great slumber party had it not been for the fact that by the evening, a good third of the guests had arrived, all wanting to meet the ladies of Bellum, the warriors, the “she-wolves,” Fairy Tail’s “saviors,” and we were roused.

Fairy Tail didn’t seem to be able to tell them no. We weren’t able to tell them no. So we walked across the courtyard and into the Great Hall. When we entered, the entire room rose. I mean, every one of them came to their feet. And the place was packed. They cheered, clapped, smiled. Levy, Erza, And Lucy were doing a great job at being gracious and smiling, but I’m pretty sure I looked awkward as heck. Erza was doing a good job at not looking in Jellal and Carmen’s direction so I let my eyes wander around and accidentally met Ava’s gaze. Carmen had no doubt told her about the whole ‘getting sent away because my sister was attracted to her man’ story and was probably gonna keep an even closer eye on me just in case I tried going after her guy.

‘Well, she needn’t worry. Unlike Erza, Juvia was never a threat to their relationship.’

Erza and I groaned softly when we realized they both Carmen and Ava were headed our way. I pause to gather myself, and force a smile to my lips. “Ava, Carmen,” I said, as kindly as I could.

“We are indebted to you and your sisters, as is all of the town.”

Erza shook my head. “We did only what we could. I’m sure you would've done the same, in the moment.”

It was Carmen shook her head. “I don't think so,” she said, raising one brow and smiling. “You and your sisters are indeed uncommon.”

We made the introductions then, between them and our ‘sisters’. To their credit, Lucy and Levy managed to hold their own, smiling sweetly and nodding with respect.

“We’ll be leaving as soon as we can, Ava,” I said. If we wanted to get away without arousing suspicion I was gonna need to get this girl and her friend off mine and Erza’s back. “Juvia only needs a few more days to heal, and then Juvia thinks she can endure the ride back to Bellum.”

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