I groaned.

We had been through this before.

Almost 80% of our waking hours lately was spent trying to convince each other to bottom.

"Earth, I can't flip just like that."

I saw him shrugged before he took my arm and positioned it on the stock of pillows before he lulled his head on it.

"And you supposed I bottom just because of that?"

I shook my arm to annoy him before he gave it a slap to make me stop.

Which I did.

"Why don't you try? You've been doing it with girls all your life, why don't you try and have it done to you this time?"

I had been really bold in convincing Earth this way since that night.

We had been shameless anyway, so really, there should be nothing to hide.

"Ohoooo. You're the one to talk, you've  been a top all your life too, why don't you try bottoming this time?"

I groaned as I felt his feet teasing mine under the cover.

"Fine. You let me do you and I'll consider bottoming for you after."

Earth's feet on mine stopped moving as he regarded me with narrowed eyes.

"Why don't we consider that with me as the proponent?"

I rolled my eyes.

Why is Earth so hard headed?

I turned to my side to face him.

"Come on, N'Earth. Just let me try it once. I had been dreaming of doing it with you since then, why can't you just let me?"

Earth glared at me.

"Why are you suddenly so brazen huh?!?"

I pouted.

"I'm horny."

Earth glared at me yet again.

"I just gave you a blow job."

"I'm a different kind of horny."

Earth shook his head.

"You just want to fulfill your fantasy and fetish of fvcking me. It'll pass."

I shrugged.

"Maybe. Maybe not. I mean, I'm sure that, me wanting to hold you and claim you that way is a part of my being in love with you."

I looked at Earth in the eye and we were staring at each other for some time before he pulled the covers off him.

"No. I'm not gonna let you corrupt me with your words."

I chuckled.

"N', come on! I swear, I'll be gentle. I'll make it hurt less, I promise."

He made a face at me.

"That's not what I'm concerned about P. I'm a top. I can't be a bottom."

That was always his reason and I always found it stupid. Well, that was just me.

I flipped the duvet off me and straddled Earth on the bed, startling the younger guy.

"What are you doing?"

I smirked at him.

I could also be persuasive.

"Let me try stuff first before you completely shut my offer down."

Maybe We Will: A PoddEarth Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now