Chapter 34: The Fangz

Start from the beginning

I get into the lift and make my way towards my room before taking a shower and searching throw my wardrobe what to wear to this party. I don't have much clothes but I still have that red dress that GD brought for me that I wore on the night I got kidnapped by these hooligans. I put it in before putting on some black heels and make up and letting my hair down. These boys are not gonna know what hit them. I get into the boot of the van before them and patiently wait for them to come and start driving. The drive to the place wasn't that long I'm surprised I didn't freak out because I'm scared of tight spaces. I wait for them to get out of the van before getting out myself and in front of me is a massive mansion bigger than ours probably the biggest I've ever seen. At the front is a big bodyguard checking people in the line. I join the line and wait for my turn.

"Name" the guard asks me looking down at me with his serious facial expression trying to intimidate me but I can tell already that I can play this guy because if I remember correctly he was Moscow's number 1 customer.

"Amy" I lie trying to go with plan A which is pick popular names and hope that it is on the list.

"Amy what?" He questions clenching his jaw losing his patience with me.

"Smith" I lie with a smile on my face. He eyes me up and down as if he doesn't believe that is my name, can't blame him because it's a white name.

"Not on the list" he states glaring down at me making me sigh. Well I guess I gotta go with plan B and if that don't work I guess I gotta kill him and I don't wanna kill someone just to get into a party that just seems sad.

"Let's try this again" I sigh as I fold my arms across my chest and glare up at him trying to look intimidating. "Would you like to take a trip to Moscow?" I ask with a smirk on my face making his face drop, I smile at his reaction knowing that I've won.

"Erm what-"

"Don't make me expose you in front of your boss" I whisper in his ear and I can hear him nervously gulp before looking down at me with concern in his eyes.

"Amy Smith come in" He says with a forced smile on his face as he steps aside allowing me to enter the house. The room is filled with people rich people I can tell and the music is blasting. I start dancing along to the music just feeling happy to be out of the house having fun. My parents never let me go partying.

"Are my eyes deceiving me or have I seen an angel?" A random man approaches me and starts dancing behind me. This has never happened to me before so I just go along with it as he places his hands on my waist.

"Your eyes are deceiving you because I'm the devil baby" I flirt back as I turn to face him and in front of me is a man probably in his early 30s eyeing me down making me feel slightly uncomfortable. He licks his fingers before stroking my cheek making me flinch. "Yep now you're being creepy" I say as I step back away from him rubbing my cheek.

"Where do you think you're going?" He threatens as he grabs my arm and pulls me in towards him.

"Let go of me before you regret it" I fight back trying to push him away from me but he tightens his grip on my arm.

"I don't regret anything because I get everything that I want" he whispers in my ear tightening his grip even more making me begin to punch his chest but he won't let go. I don't wanna kill him in front of all these people.

"Let go of me!" I shout as I step on his foot then kneeing him in his man parts causing him to step back away from me and begin to clutch on his man parts holding in his tears.

"Seungri ,what seems to be the problem here?" An old man probably in his 50s wearing a black suit approaches us and behind him is JB and the boys making me sigh. JB glares at him and I can feel his anger radiating towards me making me look down at the floor.

"This bitch disrespected me on my birthday" the man who I now know is called Seungri spits as he points over at me making me roll my eyes in response.

"This idiot doesn't know what no means" I state as I fold my arms across my chest pissed off that this predator thinks that I am in the wrong just because it's his birthday. He looks old enough to be my dad for crying out loud.

"Well young lady whatever my son wants he gets" the old man says making me scoff at him. Well like father like son. "Daesung prepare a room for this lady" he instructs one of his boys and immediately he leaves his side and makes his way upstairs leaving me confused.

"What why? Don't worry we'll escort her out" JB says with a hint of panic in his voice.

"Now why would I want to escort out my daughter in law" the old man smirks as he looks down at me with an evil look in his eyes. I look over at JB and he looks like he's about to pull out his own hair.

"Excuse me?" I question not remembering when I agreed to marry this dickhead.

"Happy birthday son, this is your gift" he smiles at his boy before aggressively pushing me in the arms of his son.

"You have got to be kidding me"

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